Consumer website reports that a passenger on a flight from Atlanta to New York, claims she was bitten repeatedly during her trip
Patricia Sweeney, reports having multiple bites on her skin and was later offered a $200 voucher and $500 towards the cost of her medical expenses.
According to Delta’s insurance underwriter released the following statement, “We reviewed the pictures and it is apparent that there is some type of skin irritation. However, as of this date, we have not received any reports from other passengers making the same allegations. If perchance the aircraft was infected, it would not be limited to one seat. In addition the Board of Health would be alerted and the aircraft fumigated … Although we sincerely regret that you associate your discomfort with your flight on Delta, it is unclear as too exactly where, how and what you were subjected to, to cause this reaction. Even though we do not view this as a case of liability against our insured, we are prepared to make a goodwill offer of $500 to help defray your medical expenses. Again, this is strictly a gesture of goodwill and should in no way be misconstrued as an admission of any liability.”
Bed bug infestations have been on the rise in the past several years. In fact, the United States has seen a 500% increase in the number of infestations in recent years. With New York City seeing a large increase.
Hopefully the bedbugs won’t infest my luggage before I have to weigh it in; those little critters can double the cost of one suitcase.