The Top 5 Must-Know Study Tips for Busy College Students

A lot of people have referred to college as the best phase of their life. This might be true for some, but it is also a period that involves juggling family, school, and social responsibilities. Some even have to hold down a job to maintain financial independence. It can truly be a trying time, but there are several ways to manage all of these without compromising one’s mental and physical well-being.

The following are the top tips to overcome the academic challenges of higher education:

  • Ask for help

There is no shame in asking a professor for clarification or a classmate for guidance. Of course, there is a fine line between asking for a favor and taking advantage of someone. One must be careful not to cross it. The internet is also available to answer any queries, school-related or otherwise. Websites like can offer extensive assistance to students having a hard time with academic requirements. These resources can also supplement one’s learning even if they perform well inside the classroom.

  • Join study groups

While there is merit in studying alone, a study group will also provide benefits that cannot be achieved otherwise. Technology has made physical presence less necessary and thus more accessible. Video chats and group chats are effective ways of studying with a group. This setup will allow consultations, mock tests, and an exchange of ideas. Another benefit is that it can help set up a system of accountability, which will lead to more productive studying habits.

  • Maintain a calendar

The key to surviving college is to have good time management skills. This is easier said than done, however. One trick to accomplish this is by setting up a master calendar. College is all about class schedules, homework deadlines, and social engagements. It can be understandably hard to keep track of all the appointments. Plot reminders into a manual or digital calendar to avoid missing meetings.

  • Take a break

Sometimes, it is futile to stress out too much over requirements. Forcing oneself to work despite feeling burnt out can only lead to more frustration. When this happens, it is advisable to relax and take a break. Go out for a walk, spend time with friends, get a scrumptious meal. These activities should help improve one’s mood and increase motivation. This will help clear the mind and make it easier to get back to work.

  • Backup files

The invention of the computer has done wonders for research and writing, but no piece of equipment is infallible. Computers might crash at the most inconvenient times. One might believe that it would never happen to them, but this feeling of complacency will disappear once disaster strikes. It would thus be useful to have an external hard drive on hand. This way, it would always be possible to access documents, photos, and music files even if the computer breaks down.

College is usually the first taste of independence for a lot of young adults. The initial experience is often characterized by culture shock, disorientation, and confusion. The academic workload and new environment can certainly be overwhelming, but one should be able to conquer these challenges with the help of the tips mentioned above.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn't know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.