Serbia and Russia are intensively preparing to re-invade Kosovo like in 1912, if Albania still refuses reunion with Kosovo, as soon as possible. This is the main reason why Belgrade or Moscow did not recognize the Republic of Kosovo. However this serbo-russian potential peril are not being seen in Tirana nor Pristina. Unfortunately they are waiting until it is too late and even worse for them.
Viewed historically and legally under international law, such a long rejection about a century, Albania didn’t want to be reunited with Kosovo. Its very wrong national politics and diplomacy there was only in favor of Serbia’s political, economic, territorial and state interests (1912-1999). Albania lost its indigenous territory of Kosovo with 10.877 km2 and over 2 million and half Albanian population.
Besides their great loss and unrequited, such Albania’s wrong policy and diplomacy leads to loss for ever historical right on its autochthonous territory known as Ethnic Albania.
Whereas, Albania must take account the fact that the state who loose its territories isn’t any kind of the integrated national and European state, but a weak and quasi-state that not deserve to be part of the today’s the European Union (EU) because one still has unresolved territorial problems with neighbor Slav countries as Serbia, Montenegro, Greece and Macedonia.
Honored Ambassador Chris Hill is Right
In an interview with the “Voice of America” (October 3, 2016) U.S. Ambassador Christopher Hill, speaking about relations between Albania and Kosovo, i.e. Balkans , said: “I worked in Albania and later when I was talking with Kosovo negotiators, one thing I realized better than others; Albania did not want to become a country with Kosovo; I understood that there were two countries with their own future. I never was worried as other foreigners on the creation of the Greater Albania.” [].

This truth has been proven not only during the past period of 25 years of Albania (1991-2016), but a long historic, political and diplomatic period of Albania (1913- 2016). As a member of the League of Nations (1920-1939) and of the United Nations (1955-2016), Albania has not raised the demand for the return of its lost territories as a cause and consequence of the colonial conquest and annexation from neighboring Balkans states (Serbia, Montenegro, Greece and Macedonia).
Until now (XXI Century, 2016), this main problem has remained (in limbo) unresolved not only between Ethnic Albania and the mentioned Slavic colonialist countries of the Balkans, but for European and international diplomacy entirely.
This is one of the most painful and tragic problems for the Albanian nation in the Balkans, because “London Albania” (1913-2016), has never raised his voice, that will reunite with its fragmented parts, dismembered and colonized by Balkan Slavic neighbors.
However, despite this absurd and painful tragedy for the Albanian nation, colonized Albanians should not lose their hope, that a day will come out of the colonial tyranny of the Balkan Slavic countries, not that they would have the support of “London Albania, 1913,” but probably from America and its Western European Allies like Kosovo that had liberated and make it independent from Serbia in 1999. So, thanks only to America and NATO, Kosovo becomes an independent and sovereign state, not thanks to Albania at all because one failed in the defense and liberation of Kosovo from Serbia (1912-1999).
Not only Kosovo, but and the whole Balkans is still an “unfinished project,” Christopher Hill said!
Despite this bitter centennial truth with historic, political and diplomatic background (1912-2016) dealing with relationships and conflicts of the Balkan countries ( Albania, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Greece), the observation of the US Ambassador Christopher Hill on the Balkans’ future ( Albanians still gives hope that will solve their contested territorial disputes with their Slavic neighbors), given that according to the realistic political assessment of Christopher Hill: “The Balkans is an unfinished process. This is a difficult process, but above all in the Balkans left aside violence and wars. The region has challenges, but I think that the Balkans is an unfinished project and as such there is a need for more attention not only from the people of the region, but also from the US and EU. This is part of Europe, it cannot be left out of it, but should be included in it. More progress was made, but it is incomplete.” [].
The colonized and separated Albanians in the Balkans should not abandon their hope, because as the honored American Ambassador has drawn the right conclusion “Balkans is an unfinished process.” It is still awaiting its final and fair resolution by the European Union and the United States of America.
It means that it’s necessary to hold a new international conference about the Balkans issue to finished the job i.e. to peacefully and democratically start the European project on Balkans.
International Conference on Balkans Needed
First of all, a such an international conference on Balkans should be sought by Albania and the other Balkans Slavic countries who have unresolved territorial disputes between each other, especially with Albania which is harmed and shrunk for hundreds and thousands km2 of its territory as a consequence of the neighbor Slavic countries in course of the Balkan Wars (1912-1913).
It would be in the favor of reconciliation, integration, cooperation and peace of the Balkan states, because this way it would have ended hostilities, wars, disasters and hostile relationships of the all Balkan countries (1878-2016).
Therefore, this historic and political opportunity, Albania and Kosovo should not lose like 100 hundred years ago (1912-2016), but must do strong work and cooperation with the United States, the European Union and NATO if they want to bring together all Albanians and their lost territories.
Without the right solution of the Albanian colonial problem, the Balkans still will live into the “fever” of the possible break out of the armed conflicts and wars like in its past bloody history (1912-1945) and as in the end of the XX (1990-1999).
Moreover, the reunion of the Albanians would be the main guarantee for calm and peace among all peoples and the Balkan countries.
Otherwise Kosovo would be reoccupied again from Serbia, which will never recognize the Republic of Kosovo.
To avoid permanently colonial and genocidal Serbia, Kosovo has only these two solutions:
1) Prompt announcing its referendum to rejoin Albania, or
2) Accepting permanent protectorate under the United States.
A “third option” would be to continue armed conflicts and bloody wars between Kosovo and Serbia until the final occupation of Kosovo by Serbia and Russia and their traditional allies like in 1912, which, they have already prepared their strategic scenario how to invade Kosovo as Russia invaded Crimea in 2014.