Social Transformations Reduce Conflicts

Some social transformations will reduce conflicts, and no, all social transformations will not reduce all conflicts. If the leaders of countries promote education and values that emphasize national and international identification, then the conflicts will diminish, in the long run. If they promote sufficient economic, judicial and political equality, then the people at the bottom of the ladder will not want to topple those at the top.

The results of reducing conflict are that when people engage in production and art rather than war, then the killing and maiming are reduced and the general living standards are increased and people are more satisfied. However, people are ignorant, aggressive and acquisitive, so some conflicts remain. That is why, in every country, it is necessary to have non-violence groups.

Most conflict is the result of reliance on non-productive land as a source of food by the poor. Unfortunately, under capitalism, “the consumer is king,” and under communist governments the hierarchy takes care of itself, so people born in more favorable environments with ability and motivation will get a big share of the food while those in less favored environments will go poor and they engage in war.

Every nation must redistribute income to the poor, but these efforts do not close the inequality gap sufficiently to prevent poverty. Therefore, there will be continued violence and poverty. Today, humanitarian organizations must redistribute funds to the poor displaced as a result of wars. It is amazing to some people that in the super-rich countries, there are millions in anti poverty programs, while people around the world turn to violence because they are poor. The rationale for such policies would depress economy and bankrupt capital producers. Such is the thinking driven by market economics.

The leadership are against improving the peaceful existence. So reduce conflicts every nation would have to import technology, including technical knowledge. Tourism requires unskilled or semiskilled labor, which pays little amd workers cannot buy very much. To make matters worse, tourism has not expanded and maybe even declined because of the ongoing war, which has also drained the economy of money that could be used more productively and for peace.

However, we must have sufficient money to improve the technical competence of our people either internally or by sending them to foreign schools in sufficient numbers to make a difference economically to the entire world. It would be a major contribution if scholars would make a cash flow analysis of the economy to determine with some precision where money comes from and where it goes. That analysis might suggest some social transformations that would accumulate it in sufficient quantities to spend on improving its technology.

How to contribute to social transformation, it is helpful to have an idea of how fundamental social change can come about? What role do social movements or organizations play? What about protest, education, public policy, personal growth, alternative institutions, reform?

However, some internal conflict, including wars, will not be exist if we improve economy. If we study history, we will find continued bloody and non-bloody conflicts. However, every nation must be peaceful, both internally and externally. Will they remain so for the indefinite future?

Kamala Sarup
Nepali journalist and Story Writer Kamala Sarup is an editor for She specialises in in-depth reporting and writing on Peace, Anti War, Women, Terrorism, Democracy, and Development.