Precepts are the rules or actions of conduct that any organizations require of it members, whether that organization is intellectual, physical, spiritual, artistic or social. This is a barometer to the public as to that organizations standards and how its members live up to the standards or the precepts established by that organization. If anybody represents any organization for any purpose, and their conduct runs contrary to the precepts or standards of that organization, they are in violation of the organization stated policy.
We see players in the NFL and NBA display conduct contrary to their organizations rules by displaying bad conduct or displaying poor judgment as they represent their organization on or off the court or field. The NFL is an organization of great power and their standards that are published for the general public to view. We see their standards include the idea of common good for everyone. Conduct demonstrated by the New Orleans coaching staff is contrary to the published standards of the NFL.
The NFL’s code of conduct so stipulates what type of conduct that is not in accordance with the values of the NFL. Conduct that violates that standard is subject to disciplinary action.
It appears this sport has crossed the basic boundary line of ethical reason in the case of the New Orleans Saints. Football is a violent sport and calls for those who play it to be violent men.
Tackling, blocking, physical efforts, stretches conduct to dangerous behavior, and can seem like they who play the game break the rules of the NFL every time they play the game. But putting a bounty of a player or players to gain a reward is much like working for a syndicated criminal gang. Rome invented and elevated, arena sports, to a level of violence when gladiators fought for survival and the right to live.
To deliberately hurt another fellow football player for money is close to being a gladiator and not a sportsman. If we are going to turn into another Roman society then bring out the swords, shields and start a real fight and see how many want to play that game. I’m sure the price of living through that type of event would devalue its appeal to the public, but one never knows. When young men play football in the little leagues we certainly don’t want them using the NFL Saints as a guide post to follow. In high schools across America our young men need not use the example displayed by these professional players of the Saints who probably broke the rules.
Those who coach them may be receiving pay for their work but that type of coaching is certainly not of professional quality. I’m not sure how many fines or penalties will be levied against players who did actually follow their coach’s instructions but it could certainly deplete a number of players for the Saints if they did. The final result will be worth watching and we just hope the players didn’t purposely involve in a bounty to hurt player just for extra money.
I played a few years of football in my younger years. Not once did I ever hear a coach tell someone to hurt another player. Oh the normal stuff hit him in the mouth or takes his head off but those we terms that just described playing hard. I even coached for a couple of years and used some of those terms myself.
I even bought some soft drinks for the players when they won but not because they hurt someone. Where and how does a sport we love turn into such a dirty, nasty tasting event that defies normal human respect? If we play hard, work hard, do we need to disrespect those who we play against? Is No respect the foundation of good sportsmanship? No not in my book of rules.
God save football and good sportsmanship.