IRAN-IRAQ Security pacts?

There is a famous saying in Farsi which explains the intimate message Iranian media have been honing after Mr. Malekis visit to Tehran:

The saying goes, “He escaped the thief, and fell in fortune-teller’s trap,” meaning “Out of the frying pan into the fire,”

If we were able to gather collections of famed quotations of philosophers and ideologists of the century, I would think they would all agree that what we are experiencing as “Islamic fundamentalism” or best said “Islamic Khomeinism”, is an evolved Islamo-fascism which has embedded all “historic elements of fundamentalism,” only to misrepresent as “progressive, anti capitalist leftist view that seeks to give the weak and the poor of the world a chance to fight the great bullies!”

Drawn by Dariush

This formulates the core element of deception which acts as appetizer for Moslem fundamentalists through out the world.

For more than three decades the people of Iran have gone through a painful process of disillusionment with Khomeinism and its demagogic promises, medieval philosophy, administrative incompetence, and reign of terror and extremely complicated exploitation under the name of religion.

Today we are witnessing a “Copy Paste” option of this version of “Islamic Khomeinism” – a catastrophic recipe – used for the Iraqi problem!

Khomeini was the first ruler of a Muslim state since 1258 – the year of the conquest of Baghdad by the Mongol ruler Hulagu Khan – to wield both political and religious power. A master of demagogy, he committed atrocities in the name of Islam. The magnitude of the tyranny taking place over the past thirty years in Iran is unparalleled in the nation’s history.

He was the first religious “supreme leader” to leave a will of conquest to establish an Islamic caliphate through Iraq (the ancient sacred land of the Shiite Imams) to Gods.

He theoretically legitimized expansion and exportation of terrorism in his famous scripts on “Velayat-e-Fagih” concept printed in the beginning of his reign, where he stressed that “there are no real boundaries between Islamic countries.”

A Recent Example of “deceptive Demagoguery”

A simple review of Khomeini’s clever double blade position taken on the Iraq War in 1992 is helpful to understand the rhythmic repetition of this policy in use today.

“Fishing in muddied waters”?

When Iraq occupied Kuwait on August 2, 1990, the clerical regime played both sides to advance its goals. The mullahs’ best interests lay in the eruption of a bloody war between Iraq and the Allies. Iraq would be eliminated from the regional balance of power, and the Arab members of the Allied coalition would lose credibility in the eyes of their own Muslim populace for relying on foreign powers. War meant Iran would have an opportunity to gain the upper hand. For this reason, the mullahs’ policy was to push events toward an inevitable war.

Despite presenting themselves as neutral, in their private dealings with the Western countries the mullahs voiced their support for the Allied campaign and opposed the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait. Behind the scenes, they also told the Iraqis that should war break out; Iran would rally to their help with all its might. In an editorial in Iraq’s Al-Jumhuriya newspaper, Editor in Chief Saad Al-Bazzaz revealed that throughout the Persian Gulf crisis, Rafsanjani had encouraged Baghdad to adopt a hard-line stance:

The top Iranian official said, “I have much more than what you have asked for . . . We are on your side in the Kuwait affair. We request that you not take our official remarks as the only reflection of our stances. We stand beside Iraq and completely understand the circumstances and reasons for Iraq’s position. Do not retreat from Kuwait. We will stand by you against America to the extent our strength allows and as much as we can.”

the Mullahs Got the War They Wanted in the Persian Gulf

When it ended, Tehran took advantage of the chaos in Iraq to dispatch thousands of Revolutionary Guards and agents to Iraqi cities, with the aim of establishing an Islamic Republic.

From the start, the Iranian Resistance (NCRI and the PMOI) continuously revealed precise reports and information concerning the clerical regime’s increasing meddling in Iraq and export of terrorism to that country. It said that while the Tehran’s nuclear weapons program was a major threat to peace and tranquility in the region and the world, the dangers posed by the export of terrorism and fundamentalism to Iraq was far greater.

Tehran has employed all of its political, diplomatic, propaganda, religious, military, terrorist and economic assets to impose its dominance on Iraq. Its penetration is carried out by four agencies: the Revolutionary Guards Qods (Jerusalem) Force, Shiite clerics, native mercenaries and radio, television propaganda.

The Iranian regime has transferred the command headquarters of the Qods Force from Tehran to the Iran-Iraq frontier. (1) Many of the Force’s generals and commanders are based in Iraq. At the same time, Tehran has dispatched thousands of clerics to Iraq to manipulate the religious sentiments of Iraqis, and organized tens of thousands of paid mercenaries and terrorists inside the country, taking control of many local agencies.

Previously, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei awarded a medal of merit to the Qods Force commander for “spreading the message and influences of the Islamic Republic among Iraqis.”

As such, while a majority of Iraqi Muslims, especially the Shiites are neither fundamentalist nor seek a religious state, the mullahs have created a situation in Iraq where the democratic, independent and secular Iraqi forces cannot operate freely and a small minority is dictating its ways to majority Shiites. Meanwhile, the mullahs ruling Iran have consistently sought to weaken the position of independent Shiite clerics in Iraq.

A Strong Factor Destabilizing Iranian Infiltration in Iraq

On 7 June 2006, a Solidarity Congress of Iraqi People announced the support of 5.2 million Iraqi’s to a declaration condemning Iranian regime’s meddling in their country and supporting the role of the Iranian opposition’s presence in Iraq (PMOI) “as a major obstacle to mullahs’ fundamentalist ambitions in Iraq.’

This declaration was signed originally by 121 political parties and social groups, 700,000 women, 14,000 lawyers and jurists, 19,000 physicians, 35,000 engineers, 320 clerics, 540 professors, 2,000 tribal sheikhs and 300 local officials , and ordinary citizens tired of the Iranian affiliated proxies in Iraq.

While stressing in this declaration that “that the Iranian regime has astonishingly infiltrated Iraq’s ministries, security agencies and public service institutes.,” they reiterated “The solution and the only encouraging prospect for neutralizing these threats come through eviction of the Iranian regime from Iraq, closure of its embassy, and recognition of the status of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran which is the principle bulwark against the Iranian regime’s interventions. Similarly, the PMOI’s disarmament upset the strategic balance in this sensitive region of the world in favor of the Iranian regime.”

So far unfolding developments have only proved this article to be a painful , but factual experience of two nations, that have much in common , but the most prominent of all which is “a Clear occupation of a religious fascism” that has proved to be “an ACTIVE WORLD MENACE.”

The solution is dictated by both Nations:

Both Iranians and Iraqis unite on one issue spelt out loud and clear:

It is time for a regime change in Iran

This can only be achieved through supporting the main threat to this regime, which is its main opposition the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran.

1- More on the Qods force

Summer is researcher on the Middle East and State terrorism