Over the past few months, the Iranians seem to have gone out of their way to upset as many other countries as possible, mostly by calling them names and questioning their character.
The Iranian government appears to have been taken over by teenage boys with a penchant for self-destruction. It is possible their plan is to make it easy for sanctions to be approved so they can blame their dismal economy on the sanctions and therefore anyone other than themselves.
Once upon a time, Persia was a place you could rely on for Cyrus II the Great, the first true king of the Persian Empire, conquered Media, Lydia, and Babylon. Cyrus made himself into the “savior” of conquered nations, allowing religious freedom, and restoring temples and other infrastructure, including for the Jews of Babylon.
Ahmadinejad and Grand Ayatollah Ali Hoseyni Khamene’i appear to be intent on destroying any semblance of Persian culture intelligence and integrity, becoming Cyrus in reverse.
The Iranian Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi called Prime Minister David Cameron the “young lad in charge” saying Cameron is “even more stupid than his predecessor”.
Not content with abusing the prime minister, Britons came in for a tongue-lashing as well. “England has nothing. Its inhabitants are not human, its officials are not responsible, and it doesn’t even have any natural resources…a bunch of thick people ruled by a mafia.”
To insult as many Brits as possible, Ahmadinejad said the UK is “a tiny island west of Africa”.
On a roll now, Rahimi said South Koreans “should be smacked in the face until they become human”, and Australians are “a bunch of cow herders”
Keen to cause as much political fallout as possible, Iranian newspapers and television called French first lady, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, a prostitute, because she had the temerity to question Iran’s right to stone a woman to death.
In an apparent alignment with the GOP, the Grand Ayatollah slapped President Obama’s open hand, saying his offer was merely a slogan and later accused him of being a cowboy.
Showing that he is his own man, who writes his own speeches, Ahmadinejad called Obama an inexperienced newcomer to politics, in the pocket of capitalists and the Zionists who should not just read what he is told to read.
All of this makes it extremely difficult to determine what the Iranian regime game plan really is. It seems more and more likely that a bunch of Iranian teenagers are in charge, guided by an extremely poor translation of “How to Win Friends and Influence People”.