Crossfire War – TEHRAN WATCH – Eurasia Theatre: Tehran – Kabul – Islamabad – Dhaka/Delhi; 2nd Stage of Five Week Zolfaqar Maneuvers Features Testing of Surface-to-Surface Missiles – Wargames Due to End Third Week of September – Dry Season Offensives
Night Watch: ZAHEDAN – Brigadier General Kiumar Heidari, spokesman for Iran’s five week maneuvers codenamed “Blow of Zolfaqar” that began Saturday, announced that the 2nd stage of them has just taken place and it included the testing of their new surface-to-surface missile, the Iranian made Saeqeh (Thunderbolt). He added that surface-to-sea missiles were also fired. Both missiles were tested at what he called a far distance and they demontrated their remarkable range and high precision. General Heidari then mentioned this stage of the maneuvers included units at intelligence sites. Electronic and anti-electronic units also demonstrated their potential. [IRNA]
There are several stages to these five week wargames, which means they are not due to end until the third week of September. They are being waged in 16 provinces in Iran’s, south, southwest and western areas, during which will see the end of the monsoon season on the subcontinent creating the best climate for war between India/Pakistan. Moisture, not to mention real thunderbolts, can wreck havoc with high-tech weaponry and guidance systems, with warfare on any level, even interfere with communication. That war could have broken out already, even in the course of these maneuvers. The series of incidents that will most likely set it off could be Delhi responding to infiltrations of Islamic militants by attacking their bases inside Pakistan.
With this deliberate timing it is obvious Tehran does not intend for its military to be idle after these series of wargames are over. A few of the units could be sent in support of Damascus, which could have started the 2nd round of fighting against Jerusalem, but Tehran will definitely enter the war against Delhi in a massive way, since there is no market for salt in the Dead Sea, but there is enormous economic potential in controlling the resourcres of northern India. That is why I never took seriously Iran Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki describing their negotiations with India, on a proposed oil pipeline, “The pipeline of peace.” It was a diplomatic pipeline of deception. While you negotiate peaceful economic programs in reality you prepare for war, in this case one of conquest.
October is the beginning of the dry season on the subcontinent and southeast Asia, which could be the timetable Tehran has set for Dhaka to enter the conflict to stretch Indian forces as much as possible, preventing Delhi from concentrating to many units in one area. Iranian units should be well rested by then. The dry season lasts until April.