Though Israel-bashing has become common with the reprobates of the Democrat Party industry, Israel must learn to rebut such scenarios, if they reoccur, with one word: sovereignty.
The initial storm has passed, now we need to look at the damage it has left.
A reminder of what took place
After the failed grandiose stunt by Reps. Omar and Tlaib to enter Israel in order to go to “Palestine,” Rep. Rashida Tlaib tried to play the humble game. Based on “humanitarian grounds,” Tlaib then put on another face and pleaded with Israel’s Interior Minister Aryeh Deri to grant her permission to go to “Palestine,” a place that does not exist.
She claimed she wanted to visit her grandmother who lives in the Palestinian Authority territory, whom she neglected visiting since 2006, for the past 13 years. After signing a declaration for the government of Israel to keep on record, promising to keep a low profile and stay away from disparaging Israel, she then decided, no, this is not good enough, grandma is not really that important. She will not go to “Palestine” if she cannot, at least verbally, strip Israel of its sovereignty.
The new congresswoman duo entered the halls of Congress with the aim of bashing and denuding Israel of its democratic image. Their trip was arranged and co-sponsored by Miftah, a not-for-profit organization headed by Hanan Ashrawi, a longtime Israel-foe. According to NGO Monitor, Miftah group holds membership with the Aman Coalition, which has accused Israel of “stealing,” and having “racist goals. Writing in the Washington Examiner, Becket Adams described Miftah as “an exceptionally anti-Semitic group that praises Palestinian terrorists and claims Jews used the blood of Christians in the Jewish Passover. The organization also publishes Neo-Nazis and calls for the destruction of Israel.”
Miftah also calls Arab female suicide bombers heroines.
Omar, who calls Tlaib ‘sister,’ used an anti-Semitic trope, questioning American Jews who support Israel having dual loyalty.
Earlier this year, while giving a speech at Marygrove College, in Detroit, Tlaib claimed that she is “more Palestinian in the halls of Congress than I am anywhere in the country, in the world,” and when she addressed the Michigan Coalition for Human Rights she said, “Honestly I’ve never felt more Palestinian than I ever felt in Congress.” Dual loyalty Tliab?
In a speech, Tlaib promised that the Democrats are coming for Trump, yelling, “We’re going to ‘impeach the motherfucker.'” No wonder President Trump is calling her for who she is.
Tlaib, who runs her mouth wholesale, also claimed that senators who support the proposed foreign policy legislation act as if they “represent” a country [Israel] other than the United States.
Why do those senators not affront her and call her for who she is?
Omar and Tlaib use the ‘Muslim, women of color’ victim propaganda theater.
One would wonder what Rep. Ilhan Abdullahi Omar and Rep. Rashida Harbi Tlaib are doing for their constituents. Is bashing Israel actually keeping the good voters of Tlaib’s Michigan’s 13th congressional district and Omar’s Minnesota’s 5th congressional district awake at night or they are with and for these two? And is Antisemitism now the accepted new trend and face of the Democrat Party?
What is currently unknown is whether Tlaib is carrying out the wishes of the voters of Michigan’s 13th congressional district or has she gone off the rails to suit herself. Similarly, is Omar attacking Israel because voters in Minnesota’s 5th congressional district want her to, or is she acting on her own?
Why would any American want to support the BDS movement, a fig leaf for destroying Israel?
Omar and Tlaib are the BDS movement’s new facade. BDS [Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions] is an anti-Semitic, basically genocidal movement that wants to see the end of Israel.
But Americans benefit so much from Israel’s technology and science and also from the two countries’ cooperation, in many fields including the security of the USA. Israel also employs many Arabs the BDS movement claims to support. So, why boycott Israel? Why are Omar and Tlaib shooting themselves and their constituents in the foot and also wanting all Americans to take the brunt as well?
What is it all about?
Do not be fooled. Omar and Tlaib planned their Israel trip stunt carefully. They were well aware that since 2017 Israel has a law that permits the right of the country to prohibit activists, especially those who want to see Israel wiped off the map, from coming into the country. That includes any member of the US congress. Before Omar and Tlaib, there was no such member of congress actively working to end Israel’s existence.
Omar and Tlaib knew about the law and they knew they would fail to pass the visa entry approval into Israel. Hence, they were going to put Israel is a no-win position. They aimed for a “lose-lose situation” from the outset.
Sadly for America, the Democrat Party has in its ranks terrorist henchmen. The Democrat Party harbors in its ranks congresswomen who have a very dark heart, who harbor much hate about the state of Israel.
The anti-Trump, Muslims’ heroine Tlaib, is the political ally of the supporters of a terrorist who murdered little Israeli-Jewish girls. On the Glazov Gang, Jamie Glazov reveals how Tlaib’s guest praised the murderer of 4-year-old Israeli girl, Einat.
The Omar and Tlaib trip to “Palestine,” passing through Israel, was planned by a pro terrorist group that calls for Israel’s destruction.
Rashida Tlaib, elected representative of the Democrat Party, has a long and ugly anti-Semitic track record. She is a Jew-hater who has the gall to condemn ‘injustice.’
Since Omar and Tlaib had no interest in visiting Israel, they could have entered Ramallah quietly, without creating bombastic news, through Jordan. But no, the spectacle purpose was to put a foot on the ground in Israel, as an ancient victor put a leg on his foe’s dead head.
Sadly, President Trump speaks clearer than Israel
Reps. Tlaib and Omar sunk congress into a moral abyss.
The two have been receiving ‘iconic’ press coverage, as part of the media’s follow the intelligence mediocracy crusade of these two women. The paparazzi media follows these Jew/Israel haters around with cameras and microphones as if they were some novelty.
Humorously, none of the other newly elected congress members receive this kind of attention. Only these two Democrats, members of congress, who dislike America and have objections to Israel’s existence, receive so much media attention.
These two hateful fabricators of truth managed to gain mass media by pointing at Israel. It could have all been very simple. If Israel only approached this entire matter with savvy, thoroughly thought through reply, when their visa applications were received and after their itinerary was carefully reviewed.
After all, the Omar and Tlaib trip itinerary, labeled Israel “Palestine.” That means stripping Israel of its sovereignty. It had no mention of visiting the state of Israel, in order to [try] learn, firsthand, the facts on the ground. The trip was sponsored by a vile anti-Israel group but a visit to Al Aqsa Mosque was planned and included.
Upon doing a thorough entry visa consideration Israel should have replied as follows:
“With much respect and regardless of the fact that you are congress members, since March 6, 2017, Israel has a law banning boycotters, anti-Israel activists from visiting Israel. The people of Israel have established such law to protect their country from anyone who is dangerously Israel’s detractor. A supporter of the BDS movement, such as you are, ladies, is a persona non grata in our country. This law addresses you two who have been disrespectful to Israel’s sovereignty while you keep on lying about our country. Libeling our country has coined the term Antisemitism. We wish it was different. If and when you change course and we are pleased with the positive shift and direction and a change in your anti-Israel propaganda, we invite you to call us and we will evaluate your entry visa again. Be blessed.”
But it was not so, and as is typical, Israel did not think the matter through. Government officials immediately jumped into yes, you are invited, no, you are not invited, while the truth about these two political actresses’ hate fest adventure trip to pass through Israel was buried in their tectonic anti-Israel grandstanding.
I hope it will not take long for America to get rid of Omar and Tlaib as the face of Congress; better yet, unseat them.
It is worth mulling over this: are Israel’s detractors quite confident that it is Donald Trump and not, say, the people looking to economically ruin Israel, as their pet political project, making the U.S.-Israeli relationship a partisan issue?
It is easy to see an argument that a thriving Israel aligns with U.S. interests abroad. Conversely, is there an argument that a diminished and destabilized Israel – or an Israel consumed in fire, as Rep. Omar’s disorderly Hamas buddies would prefer – is in the interest of the United States and in fact, the world?
After all, Israel is the only stabilizing force of the Middle East Region.