Forum Set to Address E-Waste Global Threat

Increasingly, the world is becoming dependent on computers and other electronic gadgets. Developments that take place in the realm of high technology happens so fast we are drawn to look, and when we can afford it, and acquire these electronic devices. But the sad part, that part we don’t really give much attention to, is what happens to your old computer and electronic equipments once you’re done with them? Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever heard of e-waste?

E-waste has become a challenge for governments, businesses and communities and as a result, officials from Canada, Mexico and the United States together with experts such as Sarah Westervelt, Basel Action Network’s e-Stewardship Policy Director, will meet on June 21, 2011 to discuss e-waste issues and management in a public forum in North America.

The forum is organized by the Joint Public Advisory Committee of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). The forum will also feature participant companies such as Dell Computers and REMSA, a Mexican electronics recycler.

The topics of the forum include the increasing rate of e-waste, how the three North American countries can better manage e-waste through product design and recycling, and law enforcement cooperation to stop the illegal trade in used equipment and waste.

If you think that e-waste is a growing cause of concern and you have ideas how we can address the problem of e-waste or a recycling idea; if you know of groups or measures that can raise the public’s awareness regarding e-waste and the environmental problems associated with it, your voices can be heard.

The organizers are encouraging you to participate either in person or via webcast. Live participation will be held at the Palais des Congres in Montreal, Canada, which will start at 9:00 AM Eastern time. The meeting will be webcast on the CEC website (, with simultaneous translation in English, French and Spanish.