Secrets of Dark Matter Exposed

Jerome Drexler, an applied physicist educated through Bell Laboratories, is celebrating the ninth anniversary of his discovery of relativistic-baryon dark matter in early 2002. The later discovery of the “cosmic web” by others in 2004 is a key in understanding how the relativistic baryons of dark matter are slowed down and transformed into hydrogen and helium atoms before being engaged in galaxy formation.

Drexler published scientific papers about relativistic-baryon dark matter in 2005 and 2007 and authored a 4-volume series of books published in 2003, 2006, 2008, and 2009. These scientific papers, books, and recently published articles have already provided solutions to over 30 cosmologic mysteries and established his “postmodern cosmology.”

The typical concerns that astronomers, astrophysicists and cosmologists have about relativistic-baryon dark matter are summed up in the following statement directed at Drexler, “Your hypothesis of relativistic dark baryons would imply that they cannot clump on galaxy scales since they are relativistic.” Since many scientists have similar misconceptions about relativistic-baryon (protons and helium nuclei) dark matter, the following explanatory response was prepared:

Relativistic-baryons entered the universe at the time of the big bang as a radial outward dispersion of very high energy relativistic charged particles, having low entropy. Because of their very low entropy, the big bang could satisfy the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The initial very high energies of the big-bang relativistic baryons would correspond to the estimated initial temperatures in the current big bang theories.

The multitudinous relativistic baryons then proceeded to create the universe via astrophysical emergence ( Also see Chapter 44 entitled, “Astrophysical Emergence Of Dark Matter Halos, After Eons” in Drexler’s book, “Comprehending And Decoding The Cosmos,” published May 2006.

Now we are ready to answer the most-asked question directed at Drexler: “Your hypothesis of relativistic dark baryons would imply that they cannot clump on galaxy scales since they are relativistic.” Actually, relativistic-baryon dark matter forms into long large filaments that can create galaxy clusters, galaxies, and stars, but only after those dark matter filaments collide with other similar long large dark matter filaments.

How does that occur? Let us look at a Web site image of a simulated “cosmic web” of dark matter filaments that also pinpoints the locations of probable galaxy clusters where the dark matter filaments intersect/collide ( The September 8-9, 2004 news releases from NASA/Harvard, entitled “Motions in nearby galaxy cluster reveal presence of hidden superstructure,” regarding Chandra x-ray images of the Fornax cluster makes the significant statement: “Astronomers think that most of the matter in the universe is concentrated in long large filaments of dark matter [now called the “cosmic web”] and galaxy clusters are formed where these filaments intersect [/collide].”



Thus, we see that, according to the 2004 NASA/Harvard/Columbia University team, relativistic-baryon dark matter does not form galaxy clusters or galaxies until after the dark matter filaments intersect/collide. These collisions slow the relativistic protons and helium nuclei and also create pions and muons, which decay into electrons. The created electrons then transform the slowed protons and helium nuclei into hydrogen and helium atoms, the basic ingredients of galaxies and stars. Thus, these remnants of the dark-matter-filament collisions are ideal for forming galaxies, galaxy clusters, and stars.

The remaining relativistic-baryon dark matter will form halos around galaxies and groups of galaxies. The shapes and sizes of the halos will be determined primarily by the Larmor radius (gyroradius) equation, which is available in all of Drexler’s books. (

Relativistic-baryon dark matter also provides (1) the universe’s missing matter via its high relativistic mass, (2) an explanation for the so-called dark energy that causes the accelerating expansion of the universe, and (3) an explanation for the sources of the extra-galactic cosmic-ray protons and helium nuclei that bombard Earth’s atmosphere every day. In 2002 Drexler discovered a single unifying theory that explained all three of these phenomena, which he announced in his 2003 book, “How Dark Matter Created Dark Energy and the Sun.” In 2005, he wrote a 19-page scientific paper on the subject, astro-ph/0504512, April 22, 2005, “Identifying Dark Matter through the Constraints Imposed by Fourteen Astronomically Based ‘Cosmic Constituents.'” (

Drexler has documented his nine years of dark matter/dark energy research, the researchers’ timeline, the interaction with mainstream cosmology, and the overwhelming evidence that relativistic-baryon dark matter and relativistic-proton dark matter represent the principal constituents of the dark matter of the universe, in the following seven publications:

(1) Paperback book, October 30, 2009, “Our Universe via Drexler Dark Matter: Drexler Dark Matter Created and Explains Dark Energy, Top-Down Cosmology, Inflation, Accelerating Cosmos, Stars, Galaxies, Cosmic Web.”

(2) Scientific Web site updated August 4, 2010, entitled, “Discovering Dark Matter Cosmology” at:

(3) Paperback book, March 1, 2008, “Discovering Postmodern Cosmology: Discoveries in Dark Matter, Cosmic Web, Big Bang, Inflation, Cosmic Rays, Dark Energy, Accelerating Cosmos.”

(4) Scientific paper, physics/0702132, Feb. 15 2007, “A Relativistic-Proton Dark Matter Would Be Evidence the Big Bang Probably Satisfied the Second Law of Thermodynamics.” (

(5) Paperback book, May 22, 2006, “Comprehending and Decoding the Cosmos: Discovering Solutions to Over a Dozen Cosmic Mysteries by Utilizing Dark Matter Relationism, Cosmology, and Astrophysics.”

(6) Scientific paper, astro-ph/0504512, April 22, 2005, “Identifying Dark Matter through the Constraints Imposed by Fourteen Astronomically Based ‘Cosmic Constituents.'” (

(7) Paperback book, December 15, 2003, “How Dark Matter Created Dark Energy and the Sun: An Astrophysics Detective Story.”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR OF THE FOUR BOOKS: Jerome Drexler is a former member of the technical staff and group supervisor at Bell Labs, former research professor in physics at New Jersey Institute of Technology, founder and former Chairman and chief scientist of LaserCard Corp. (Nasdaq: LCRD). He has been awarded 76 U.S. patents, honorary Doctor of Science degrees from NJIT and Upsala College, a degree of Honorary Fellow of Israel’s Technion, an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship at Stanford University, a three-year Bell Labs graduate study fellowship, the 1990 “Inventor of the Year Award” for Silicon Valley and recognition as the original inventor in 1978 of the now widely-used digital optical disk “Laser Optical Storage System” and the LaserCard(R) nanotech data memory. He is a member of the Board of Overseers of New Jersey Institute of Technology and an Honorary Life Member of Israel’s Technion Board of Governors.