Bell Labs-Trained Silicon Valley Scientist Precisely Identifies Dark Matter

Many years ago, Mervin J. Kelly, president of AT&T Bell Laboratories, devised a three-year graduate study fellowship program in applied physics for especially talented newly-hired young members of the technical staff. Their “professors” were top scientists at Bell Labs. It became admiringly known as “Kelly College.”

One of the “Kelly College” graduates, Jerome Drexler, soon co-invented a new, very efficient source of pulsed megawatt microwave power, now widely used in military radars throughout the world. He was promoted to become a Bell Labs group supervisor prior to his 30th birthday.

Seven years after joining Bell Labs, Drexler, with two Bell Labs’ colleagues, founded S-F-D Laboratories, Inc. in New Jersey. It became the western world’s premier supplier of microwave power sources for advanced radars. Today, more than one hundred linked S-F-D high power microwave amplifiers are used in the phased-array radar system aboard Aegis guided-missile destroyers and cruisers in the US Navy. Eighteen of these Aegis warships also will be used to protect the U.S. and its allies by intercepting ballistic missiles, according to the Jerusalem Post Online (July 10, 2008). Seven years after the founding of S-F-D Labs, it was acquired by Varian Associates.

Drexler moved to Silicon Valley where he established Drexler Technology Corp. (now called LaserCard Corp. (Nasdaq: LCRD). In 1978, Drexler invented the now widely used digital laser-recordable optical disk. He also invented the LaserCard(R) optical memory card, which is best known in the U.S. as the immigrant’s U.S. Green Card and as the Laser Visa issued to Mexican citizens visiting the U.S.

LaserCard Corp. (Drexler Technology) has manufactured about 25 million of these LaserCard optical memory identification cards for the U.S. Government plus another ten million ID cards for the governments of Italy, Canada, India, Angola, Costa Rica, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. LaserCard data is unique in that it is both eye readable and digital through use of a sealed silver nanotechnology laser recording media called Drexon (R), co-invented by Drexler.

Since disengaging from Drexler Technology in September 2003 to seek to confirm scientifically his discovery of the identity of the dark matter of the universe, Drexler has authored a trilogy of astro-cosmology books that were published on December 15, 2003; May 22, 2006; and March 1, 2008; and authored scientific papers in 2005 and 2007.

Drexler utilizes the overwhelming evidence provided in these five publications plus this month’s University of Chicago scientific paper entitled “Reopening The Window On Charged Dark Matter,” to stake his claim to the discovery of the precise identity and true nature of the long-sought dark matter of the universe.

These five publications cover the precise nature of dark matter of the universe, the evidence supporting that conclusion, and the relationships that dark matter has with dark energy, the accelerating expansion of the universe, cosmic rays, the big bang, cosmic inflation, and the cosmic web. These cosmic relationships are keys to precisely identifying and confirming the long-sought dark matter of the cosmos. Since dark matter represents about 83 percent of the mass of the universe, any dark matter candidate that does not have relationships with most of these six cosmic phenomena should be treated with suspicion.

These five Drexler publications also disclose dark matter’s surprising and significant roles and functions in creating the spiral galaxies, stars, starburst galaxies and ultra-high-energy cosmic rays.

The titles of his five publications give further insight into dark matter’s many relationships and the breadth of Drexler’s discoveries in dark matter-based cosmology.

(1) Book, March 1, 2008, “Discovering Postmodern Cosmology: Discoveries in Dark Matter, Cosmic Web, Big Bang, Inflation, Cosmic Rays, Dark Energy, Accelerating Cosmos.”

(2) Scientific paper, physics/0702132, Feb. 15, 2007, “A Relativistic-Proton Dark Matter Would Be Evidence the Big Bang Probably Satisfied the Second Law of Thermodynamics.”

(3) Book, May 22, 2006, “Comprehending and Decoding the Cosmos: Discovering Solutions to Over a Dozen Cosmic Mysteries by Utilizing Dark Matter Relationism, Cosmology, and Astrophysics.”

(4) Scientific paper, astro-ph/0504512, April 22, 2005, “Identifying Dark Matter through the Constraints Imposed by Fourteen Astronomically Based ‘Cosmic Constituents.'”

(5) Book, Dec. 15, 2003, “How Dark Matter Created Dark Energy and the Sun: An Astrophysics Detective Story.”

Drexler’s March 2008 book “Discovering Postmodern Cosmology” is already cataloged in the libraries of Harvard, Yale, Cornell, University of California-Berkeley, University of Groningen, Sam Houston State University, and the U.S. Naval Observatory. It has been on’s Best Seller lists in several countries in the categories of applied physics, astrophysics, cosmology, or universe. All three books are available through and

Drexler’s May 2006 book, “Comprehending and Decoding the Cosmos,” which plausibly solves at least 15 cosmic enigmas, is cataloged and available in over 40 astronomy and physics libraries around the world. They include libraries at Harvard, Stanford, Yale, UC Berkeley, Cornell, Harvard-Smithsonian, Vassar, and the universities of Hawaii, Toronto, Illinois, Edinburgh, Hamburg, Goettingen, Groningen, Copenhagen, Chile, Bologna, Helsinki, Lisbon, Guadalajara, Kyoto, and the Max-Planck-Institut for Astrophysik.

Jerome Drexler
Jerome Drexler, inventor of the LaserCard optical memory card, worked at Bell Labs, was a research professor in physics at NJIT, and chief scientist of LaserCard Corp. Drexler is the author of four books on his discovery of the nature of dark matter, dark energy and "dark matter cosmology" of the universe.