Draven Midnight Launches Battle Cry on Revolutionary Site Kickstarter



To honor the transit of Venus, the rare celestial event of the planet Venus passing nearest the Earth this week in nearly 100 years, recording Artist Draven Midnight announces his efforts in launching a Sophomore release for his studio-gone-live project, The Undead Hearts via KickStarter.


A transit of Venus across the Sun takes place when the planet Venus passes directly between the Sun and Earth (or another planet), becoming visible against the solar disk. Transits of Venus are among the rarest of predictable astronomical phenomena. They occur in a pattern that repeats every 243 years. The last transit of Venus was on 5 and 6 June 2012, and was the last Venus transit of the 21st century. (source; wikipedia)



The ultimate goal for Draven Midnight with the project is to leave a viable record imprinted within the sands of time, to create a truly timeless recording for all generations to enjoy.


Raised in East San Diego, California, musician Draven Midnight fled a difficult environment and settled in Los Angeles. One of his noble goals is not only creating music, but to help, in his words, “to be a force of good for the world.”


As kickstarter itself says, ‘At this very second, thousands of people are checking out projects on Kickstarter. They’re rallying around their friends’ ideas, backing projects from people they’ve long admired, and discovering things that make them laugh and smile.’ Draven Midnight joins the movement, and he invites you to check out was he has to offer you and the world here below;


Judyth Piazza interviews Rock Star Draven Midnight on The American Perspective

Bruce Edwin
Bruce Edwinhttps://BruceEdwin.com
Bruce Edwin is CEO of Starpower Management; a full service celebrity model and talent management, publishing, public relations, and motion picture production company based in Los Angeles, California. www.StarpowerManagementLLC.com   www.BruceEdwin.com Telephone: (+1) 310-226-7176, StarpowerManagementLLC at gmail dot com. www.HollywoodSentinel.com (archives: www.TheHollywoodSentinel.com) This content is ©2009-2023, Bruce Edwin Productions, Hollywood Sentinel, all world rights reserved. Bruce Edwin, Hollywood Sentinel, and affiliates make no claims and assume no liability for any content herein, including, but not limited to inserts, photos, or hyperlinks.

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