The drama-thriller feature ‘Broken‘, starring Griffin Cork (Heartland), Laura Buckles (Mad Men), Karina Cox, Sraj Kumar (Abducted) and Tina-Marie Springham (Blue Hour) is releasing on all digital streaming platforms October 19th via Random Media.
Broken, from director Patrick Phillips and Opine Entertainment, centres on Brian (Cork); a man trying to change his life and move away from the life of crime that he has fallen into. What starts as just another delivery for Brian and his two friends, becomes the catalyst for life-shattering trouble. With Brian injured and evidence mounting against them, three friends find themselves on the run from the law. In a panic, Brian turns to his mentor and ringleader, Bear, and together they come up with a perfect scheme of betrayal and murder, but Chief Anna Kimble (Buckles) and the FBI are on the case and their perfect plan begins to unravel.
Directed by Patrick Phillips, and produced by Patrick Phillips and Laura Buckles, ‘Broken‘ is an easy, “Drive from the East Coast to the West Coast, make an exchange, and have a nice life.” It’s all quite simple, especially if you’ve done it before, but this time around there’s one stop too many, and now Brian is on the run.
‘Broken‘ releases on all digital streaming platforms October 19th, 2021.