‘Pop Idols’ Si Astbury Shares Recent Gigs and Interview on TRM Radio


On Jan. 30, 2012, Simon “Si” Astbury announced his recent appearance on TRM Radio. In addition, Si shares with NewsBlaze some of his most recent past musical experiences.

Si’s Performances

This talented singer performed in December 2012 on television’s “Sky Music Express TV Christmas Special.” The show was available on Christmas Day on Sky Music Channel Showcase 191.

Simon Astbury

Viewers saw that Si Astbury, who resides in Burton on Trent Staffordshire in the United Kingdom, encouraged the Christmas show’s audience to sing along in typical Christmas spirit.

Si Shares

“In October 2012, I appeared on Sky Channel Showcase 191 ‘Music Express Extra.’ It was there that I performed several songs for TV Production.

Brit Pop

“I was also interviewed by presenter Janey Kirk who is an established and fantastic solo artist.”

“Pop Idols”

“All this led to my television debut on ‘Pop Idols’ in 2001 and a performance interview with ITV.”

Si’s Background

Si Astbury

Si’s interest in performing arts began when he was six years old. He was actively involved in singing and acting in a variety of productions.

“From an early age I have always had a passion for performing and producing creative ideas. My early years were heavily influenced by my father, Graham, who performed in many bands.

It was my father’s influence that gave me the inspiration to perform myself.

I really wanted to share my talent, so I decided to create and perform in various local acts touring across the UK, Wales and Scotland.”

Si Astbury

This talented young man’s debut song, “Someone To Love,” has been heard on Irish Radio Network. It might still be available in their archives, if not, go to other locations as seen below.

Thanks Si Astbury for sharing a small part of your musical past, career and upcoming “Sky Music Express TV Christmas Special.”

Fan Following Locations

Fans can look forward to more of Si at Facebook, YouTube, his Fan Page, Burton TV News and other sites as well.

Contact Info: siastbury@hotmail.co.uk and website Si Astbury.

Deborah Smith Ford
Deborah Smith Ford
Deborah Smith Ford is a TV and film actress, celebrity lookalike, writer and author, who writes about entertainment and the entertainment industry.

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