Hollywood’s Reigning Makeup Artist: Omayma Ramzy


An Exclusive Interview with Hollywood’s Reigning Makeup Artist to the Stars: Omayma Ramzy

Hollywood's Reigning Makeup Artist: Omayma Ramzy 1
Image: Model Hannah Novak, Makeup by Omayma Ramzy, Photo credit: Piers Bosler, 2018.

Hollywood Sentinel discusses success, the world of beauty, and working at the top with Makeup’s Star; Omayma Ramzy.

Charming, witty, brilliant, beautiful, and talented beyond compare; the lovely Omayma Ramzy reveals to Hollywood Sentinel listeners and readers here how she began, how the next generation of makeup artists can try to follow in her footsteps, and what it’s like to be one of the most important makeup artists working in Hollywood and the world today.

About Omayma Ramzy

Business leader and Celebrity Makeup Artist Omayma Ramzy recently expanded from her homeland of London, England, trailblazing as an international makeup artist, and in high demand.

As controlling President and CEO of her own cutting edge Makeup and Styling Company, Omayma still creates the time to work herself as one of the elite, top , Lead Makeup Artist’s to the Stars. As she serves the needs of many of the biggest designers and top production companies in the world with her talent, the beautiful young artist in her own right, has made a fast climb to the heights of Hollywood’s hugely competitive beauty industry, where she now dominates the field, with but a small handful of A-list peers.

The award winning international talent behind the scenes has done makeup on a myriad of stars including Leah Thompson (Back to the Future), Georgie Flores (Famous In Love), Jessica Gomes (Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model), Jade & Tanner Tolbert (The Bachelor), Actress Priyanka Bose from the Oscar Nominated film “Lion,” Marisol Nichols (Riverdale), the film “Anthem,” starring Peyton List and Cameron Monaghan, as well as “External Living,” directed by fashion photography heavyweight Ben Cope, Sofia Vergara’s sexy new underwear line “Empowered by You,” global brands including; Sparkling ICE, Ford, Cisco, Buzzfeed, Target, and Samsung, among many more.

The Star Makeup Artist’s outstanding work for national and international print publications exemplify the beauty industry, with her work as Lead Makeup Artist for magazines including; NYLON, I-D Magazine, Flaunt Magazine, VOGUE India, and Damaged Goods Magazine–shot by Mynxii White, among others. Omayma’s work on T.V. shows include KTLA, and Hollywood Today Live, and she was also recently interviewed as one of the world’s leading makeup experts, for the international fashion, lifestyle and culture magazine NYLON. Her recent work on the project PRE, recently earned her the coveted ‘Los Angeles Film Award for Best Makeup Artist 2017.

Celebrity Makeup Artist Omayma Ramzy.
Celebrity Makeup Artist Omayma Ramzy. Photo Credit: Elena Kulikova

The following is an exclusive interview with the celebrity makeup artist, exclusively for News Blaze and The Hollywood Sentinel.

Omayma Ramzy: Part I

Omayma Ramzy: Part II visit: www.HollywoodSentinel.com (Backstage Hollywood next week)

Visit the Official Omayma Ramzy Website at:

Booking, contact: 323-975-5720

This content is (c). 2018, Hollywood Sentinel, all world rights reserved. The office of Hollywood Sentinel and affiliates do not endorse any advertising or links that may be found on or in connection to this story.

Bruce Edwin
Bruce Edwinhttps://BruceEdwin.com
Bruce Edwin is CEO of Starpower Management; a full service celebrity model and talent management, publishing, public relations, and motion picture production company based in Los Angeles, California. www.StarpowerManagementLLC.com   www.BruceEdwin.com Telephone: (+1) 310-226-7176, StarpowerManagementLLC at gmail dot com. www.HollywoodSentinel.com (archives: www.TheHollywoodSentinel.com) This content is ©2009-2023, Bruce Edwin Productions, Hollywood Sentinel, all world rights reserved. Bruce Edwin, Hollywood Sentinel, and affiliates make no claims and assume no liability for any content herein, including, but not limited to inserts, photos, or hyperlinks.

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