Psychic to the Stars Rose Stuart gives here an exclusive interview on Talk Radio for NewsBlaze, courtesy of The Hollywood Sentinel, in which she gives her latest predictions regarding all regarding former FBI director James Comey, Syria, Russia, and Stormy Daniels, among more.
About Rose Stuart
An internationally known psychic, who has been in business for over 30 years, Rose Stuart – as reported earlier in the news, says her psychic abilities go back nine generations on her mother’s side. As young as just four years old, she states that she has had visions and premonitions. Rose says she believes her abilities are a gift from God and, as such, should only be utilized for good to help others. Rose is known for being honest, and very direct in her readings, and takes her work very seriously. She states, “My work is my religion.” She is proud to have helped many from around the world.
Predictions for April 2018
In the interview below, Rose discusses the pay-off to Stormy Daniels, yet how America needs to focus on global events, particularly what other countries are trying to do to us, rather than worrying about personal affairs of the President. Rose also predicts that Comey will have issues arise soon, that he will have to deal with. And she says that Syria and Russia are working together.
Listen to the full interview here below.
Ordained Minister and Certified Life Coach
As noted earlier on Fox News, Rose says that her life’s work is focused on benefiting others. A licensed marriage counselor, ordained minister, and life coach; she specializes in helping to re-unite lovers and loved ones.
Locating Missing Children
As mentioned earlier in the news last month, Rose has also donated her services to help find missing children, and solve cold case murders, among more. She earlier reminded people that scientifically, we are all comprised of quantum energy, on a subatomic level, and says she merely taps in to the life force energies, spirits, energy, and angels that are all around us, with a gift in accurately doing so.
Rose’s Motto: Tell her Nothing – She Tells You All
As mentioned on Fox News in Montana earlier this fall, Rose states that she truly loves helping people. More of her other services include; reading palms, tarot, astrology charts, love charts, energy work, spirit guide and ancestor work, chakra balancing, Reiki, and relationship counseling, among more.
Metaphysical Boutique & Gift Shop
Rose’s new store The Rose Boutique, Etc. #3, offers a place to buy many unique new products including; special crystals, incense, special hand made jewelry, and even special healing stones. Rose states that she began her metaphysical work as a young child, giving readings for adults who were shocked at the young girl’s uncanny ability to tell them things about their past and future that were true.
Healing crystal offered by Rose Stuart
Rose offers many other holistic & metaphysical needs including oils, incense, candles, jewelry, healing wands, holy water, statues, imports, artwork & prints, Bohemian packages, crystals, aroma therapy packages, Talismans, Personalized numerology & Astrology charts, and more.
Booking a Session with Rose
For a personal reading with Rose, clients may visit her store, or call her at her numbers below. Rose states that “Just as a cell phone reception can travel around the world through waves with satellites, so too travel the energy vibrations, and spirit energy of a human being travel, making this intuitive, quantum level type of work successful from near – or far.”
Visit Rose Stuart at:
The Rose Boutique, Etc.
1201 10th Av, South, Suite 102 A
Great Falls, Montana, 59405
Tel: 406-866-0733
Also Visit Rose Stuart at:
The Rose Boutique, Etc. #2
906 9th St. W.
Columbia Falls, Montana, 59912
Tel: 406-788-5348
And Visit:
The Rose Boutique Etc. #3
1117 S. Main Street
Kalispell, Montana, 59901
Call Rose from anywhere in the world at:
Tel: 406-866-0733 and also Tel: 406-788-5348
E-mail Rose directly at: [email protected]
LEGAL NOTICE: This content is (c). 2018, Rose Stuart, Hollywood Sentinel PR. The offices of Rose Stuart, Hollywood Sentinel PR, News Blaze, and affiliates do not endorse any advertising or ads that may appear on or in connection with this story and assume no liability for any content or claims herein be it verbally, textually or otherwise. Rose Stuart, Hollywood Sentinel PR, Bruce Edwin, News Blaze, and affiliates make no medical, health or any other claim regarding any product, service, or advice herein. Any potential products mentioned in this story are for topical use only, and not to be ingested. This content is for entertainment purposes only. All world rights reserved.