Imagine. Lovely hostess, Pammela, escorts your party into a dining atmosphere amid paintings by South American artists. Sit alongside a brick wall lined with restful images of faces and hands, orange, blue and vibrant. Admire yellows and reds, murals of an Inca warrior, a sea dragon, or mountain countryside. Then, under the watchful and caring eye of owner Augusto Yallico, enjoy, as simple culinary basics rise to Peruvian perfection:

The ENSALADA DE EGUCATE: Fresh assorted vegetables are covered with thinly sliced tender-ripe green avocados.
FRIJOLES CON ARROZ, PLANTANO MADURO, POLLO ENTERO: Red beans, orange rice, sweet plantains, a mild, greenish, mustard-like “spicy sauce,” it is as if you taste golden Roasted Chicken for the first time.
PIONONOS: Chocolate and vanilla swirl-rolls are served alongside whipped cream and unique Peruvian ice cream.

High ceilings and large windows, two floors of ornate decor and a garden, modest pricing, I think you know where to have dinner tonight. And don’t forget to try the Inca Cola.
Pio Pio
84-13 Northern Blvd.
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
(718) 426-1010
Cuisine: Peruvian
Hours: Sun. – Thurs. 11:00am-12:00pm
Fri. & Sat. 11:00am-12:30pm
Delivery: Yes