NYC Horrorfestival Director Talks About ‘Red Hook’

Joining me here tonight is Michael J. Hein discussing his new film project “Red Hook”

Michael, Tell me a little about Red Hook and your role in the film?

I was brought on to Red Hook as the “nuts and bolts” producer. The executive producers are very experienced, but in the live theater realm. They also had a first time director, so they need an experienced film producer to get it done on time and budget.

What is the film based on?

It’s an original script by Writer Sammy Buck and Director Elizabeth Lucas. The only thing I advised them to do was add a bit more of the red stuff!

Where are some of the locations that you shot in?

We shot all over Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn. Under the Hell’s Gate Bridge, Drama Book Shop, a university, really….all over the place!

Is there a tentative release date and will it be available on DVD?

The film is available on Direct TV Pay Per View right now and the DVD hits store on February 16th, 2010.

red hook logo.
red hook logo.

Will it screen at any film festivals?

No, the release is so soon, there was no need for us to go that route. It did get a great response at The Coney Island Film Festival last year.

Michael J. Hein was born in New York City, raised in New Jersey. He is also the Festival Director for NYC Horror festival which kicks off each October.

For more information on the NYC Horror Festival

Michael fell in love with horror films at 11 years old when he saw a double feature of George Romero’s “Creepshow” and “Dawn of the Dead” in the summer of 1982.