Since summer 2014 a film has been in pre-production, and artist Rebecca Hollifield’s storyboarding has helped bring this film and its production to life. The project’s variety of stages are being developed throughout areas of SW Florida.
The film is “The 4th Letter of Ponce de Leon” and recently Hollifield was found working closely on a film trailer-related project with the film’s writer and producer Richard Watts, the director of photography Ernesto Lasso de la Vega and the production coordinator Margaret Bishop.
As a result of Hollifield’s amazing storyboarding, including others’ talents, the film has already been in the process of shooting the trailer/video.
Hollifield has been on set helping with audio and production design as well. Is there no end to this artist’s other talents?
Some of the film’s shooting of scenes for an incentive video have been in Naples and Marco Island. Richard Watts is the film’s writer and producer.
As far as we know, Hollifield will continue to offer her artistic talents for future storyboarding for this upcoming feature film.
In addition to Richard Watts and Rebecca Hollifield, other cast and crew have included Eddie, Charlie, Val Kuffel, Jared DeAngelo, Austin Graham (a descendant of Ponce de Leon!), Miles Christian-Hart, Margaret Bishop, Arielle Watts, Benjamin Jacob, Ty Landers, Asia Danielle Johnson, Cora Anne Williams, Laurie Gutstein, Erik Krefeld, Zara Amarani, and others.
“Due to the film featuring local history, some of the shooting locations will be in Naples and on Lee County beaches. Since the film’s about Juan Ponce de Leon, a re-enactor group from Bradenton, and other groups, have ‘signed on’ to appear in the film. Such groups are crucial to achieving authenticity (re-enactor Bill Boston).
“The story in the film features an enigmatic Indian – Calusa shaman, (Coacoochee) who oversees a 500 year old secret that involves the Florida panther, the passion flower and the water of a spring on Pine Island, Fla. The character wears a bracelet that identifies his role as overseer.” – Richard Watts
Film crew agree that now with Hollifield on board, the film is becoming more of a reality!