Silence Book Review

Author Christopher Brookhouse has written a book that captures from the very first page. The story told through the eyes of a mother takes us on a fast journey where no one speaks their true feelings or accepts any negativity in their lives.

The main characters: Nicki a sigh school senior; Willie a high school senior; Harriet- Nicki’s adopted mom and Sheldon, Nicki’s father spend a majority of their time doing what everyone wants and expects them to do. No one wants to upset the status quo.

However, when something terrible happens to Nicki, she does not attend her high school graduation and leaves town with a former classmate. Nicki’s father comes across as a man who could care less about his daughter, although in reality he really does care.

Nicki’s mother is trying to find herself. She flirts with the idea of having a short rendezvous with a high school teacher and is more than curious about her friend Ann who is a lesbian.

Mr. Brookhouses’ use of vivid description let’s readers feel right at home with all of the characters and the daily questions they encounter.

He gives readers the opportunity to reflect on their own lives and fantasize about what could have been. Having the mother tell the story adds a more personal touch as if we were mind reading.


Christopher Brookhouse

The Permanent Press

4170 Noyac Road

Sag Harbor, NY 11963

ISBN: 1579621791



4 Stars