Review: We Need Our Daddy Too


Karen Ronald, a loving and doting grandmother has written an extraordinary book about what happens when parents get divorced and innocent children are caught in the middle.

Readers will be amazed and sometimes shocked at how deceitful, revengeful parents can be when they want what they want.

How could a family go from spending all their time with their wonderful grandsons, to not seeing them again? The author tells of her own painful journey through her sons’ divorce and how the system didn’t seem to help.

Having worked with the court systems as a Psychologist, Ms. Ronald gives an accurate detail of how courts sometimes seem not to listen or take the best interest of the children at heart. But at the same time, readers must know that this book is written from her point of view.

At the end of her book, the author gives some very good advice about what to take into consideration when looking at a divorce. She also has written a letter to her ex-daughter-in-law. I believe the most important thing to look at in reading this book is the impact that divorce has on children. That impact will last a lifetime.

We Need Our Daddy, Too

A Grandmother’s Story of Her Son’s Divorce

Karen P. Ronald


1663 Liberty Drive

Bloomington, IN 47403

ISBN: 978-0-595-45938-4

$12.95 2008


5 Stars

Carol Hoyer PhD
Carol Hoyer PhD
Dr. Carol Hoyer, PhD is a psychologist, a freelance book reviewer and college professor.

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