Review: 13 is the new 18

Author Beth Harpaz has written a truly remarkable and humorous book on raising thirteen year – old boys. Readers will find that she tells it like it is and all we can do is nod our head in agreement.

As you read this book, you will look at your own children who are being raised in a generation different from yours. They are smarter, dress differently and have a language of their own. What happened to our loving, follow directions kids?

Through stories of her own boys, Ms. Harpaz describes what it is like to live with a thirteen year-old boy who turned into someone she and her husband didn’t know anymore. Once a good student and obedient son Taz, has turned to not liking school, not doing assignments and running with the wrong crowd. He is thrown out of the Prom and disappears for days with his friends.

As parents we always want to do best by our children. However, we find out that we aren’t caught up with the current time and see ourselves as inadequate in everyway. The author like many readers start searching on the Internet for terms we don’t understand, as well as look at sites such as My Space.

As Ms Harpaz and her husband struggle to adapt to the new world of teens, she provides much humor and wisdom. As I read this book, I was thinking she must have been living in my house. As moms and parents, we discover that we can’t be everything to all; we can only do the best we can and hope for the best.

This is a book that readers will keep and re-read and underline, so when all goes crazy with teens we can look at Ms Harpaz wisdom and humor and know it is all right.

13 Is The New 18

Beth J. Harpaz

Crown Publishing/Random House

1745 Broadway, New York, NY 10019 USA

ISBN: 030739641X

$23.95 2009

Perceptive and Fun

5 Stars

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