The Web Bot is an interesting piece of work. Developed in 1997 originally to predict stock market trends, the Web Bot functions as somewhat of a digital Nostradamus. Personally, I see it function more like the 80 year old fortune teller on the corner who tells me I’ll murder 17 people with a tube sock full of raisins sometime in the next 100 years.
All opinion aside, the Bot has allegedly predicted some of the most catastrophic events that have occurred on this planet – albeit vaguely.
The major prediction this Bot made was the September 11 attacks. Don’t sell your children and start digging the fallout shelter just yet – the only prediction that was made was “a catastrophic event would occur within the next 60 “90 days.” Within that same time frame, there was the following: A plane crash, riots, a tropical storm that killed 41 people and caused billions in damage, a deadly tunnel fire and a massive protest that also caused property damage. Catastrophe is defined as “a momentous tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune to utter overthrow or ruin.”
I guess whatever supersedes the smaller events in degree is chosen as what the Web Bot predicted? Doesn’t seem right to me.
It might be helpful to know how the Web Bot does its work: Like a search engine, the Bot sends a series of spiders across the Internet to find various keywords. It then takes a snapshot of the text preceding and following the keyword and sends it off to a central location where they then forge their predictions. Basically, it taps in to the collective unconscious of the world. It is highly secretive, unwelcoming to the media and strives to stay away from the Government – all respectable qualities in my opinion.
Other things have been predicted by the Bot, such as a “maritime disaster” in the form of the Columbia tragedy. Once again – vague. Sure, the thing disintegrated over water, but that’s not exactly why it was doomed in the first place.
Here’s my major question, using the Columbia disaster as an example: So, this thing crawls around the Internet sucking up keywords, taking snapshots of them and relaying those words to a “central location.” Now, the cause of the Columbia disaster was foam insulation breaking off and striking the insulated wing of the spacecraft, creating a hole through which hot gases could enter and thus making the craft disintegrate upon re-entry. This must mean that somewhere online, someone was discussing a possible problem with the spacecraft’s structural integrity – discussing it with everyone BUT those responsible for making sure the craft was safe. That’s not revolutionary or innovative – that’s stupid.
Yes, I understand this thing makes the predictions in advance, but they should reveal their sources and substantiate their claims so such things don’t happen. To me, it seems like a bunch of people with all the answers are sitting in a basement somewhere talking amongst themselves, sharing tips and secrets, while Web Bot, the intrusive detective, is spying on. Doesn’t seem right to me.
The same can be said for the other events it has seemingly predicted, such as the 2004 tsunami, Dick Cheney’s hunting accident and the BP Oil Spill. Same logic applies – if this thing is so credible and reputable, why not reveal sources and substantiate the predictions? I mean, really – this thing is so capable of prognostication that it predicted Dick Cheney would shoot someone’s face? Where did they get their keywords – a forum talking about how much Cheney sucks at hunting?
Speaking of idiotic oil executives, the Web Bot is now predicting that 1.298 BILLION people will die as a result of the BP oil spill. Yes, you read right – 1.298 billion people will die as a result of – get this – a mistaken Israeli-influenced attack on Iraq that will catapult us into nuclear war. So when will this massive misfire happen? Anytime after July 11, 2010. Thanks for the accuracy, Web Bot!
According to one article I’ve been reading from The Examiner, the BP oil spill was “arguably foreseen in prophetic scenarios as set out in various sacred prophecy texts such as the Book of Revelation.” Another Biblical prophecy story… great. In conjunction with these prophecies, the Web Bot is saying the oil spill will lead to a great depopulation event. The report states:
The [oil volcano] subset continues to gain support in support of the [ill winds] area, and is still gaining support for those subsets indicating that 1.289+ billion people will perish as a result of the [ill winds] and the [oil volcano].”
The report states all of this fun will commence around November 8, this year. Counting on the gullibility of people in general, I expect to see rapes, murders, robberies and noise violations increasing tenfold by this point. I mean, hey, the world as we know it is coming to an end – why not do whatever the hell we want? Fortunately, we have enough (JUST enough) sane people in this world to know that these prophecies are nothing more than speculative fearmongering crap.
Where in the hell does it get such a number, anyway? To me, it seems if this thing is so accurate and so dead-on at predicting these awful events, people would take greater notice and begin to question the exact same thing I’m questioning – why is all this information that leads Web Bot to predict all of this stuff being kept secret? I can guarantee if they released their method and their sources, people would take greater notice and more could be done to prepare for these imminent catastrophes – IF the thing is credible.
Sadly, these reports are being used for profit in lieu of the benefit of mankind and humanity. Rather than inform the masses with substantiated proof, these people are making money off of their predictions and keeping us in a state of unknown. I understand the feeling of having a secret that no one else knows; it’s a great feeling. However, if you know all of this stuff before the average citizen – the disasters, the collapses, the catastrophes – why not show us how and why? There’s enough skepticism about predictions of doomsday – do something useful and tell us all how and why these things will happen!
Or – are you another shock-and-awe production looking to make a few bucks? I mean, let’s look at Y2K – millions were scammed into thinking the world would be sent straight to hell for the simple reasoning of the ascending number mechanism would fail once it got to “00.” People stocked up on emergency supplies, took to their shelters and awaited impending doom. The unknown and cryptic nature of computers captivated people and essentially sensationalized itself into people’s heads. The “experts” knew this full and well and took advantage. When nothing happened, people took to their “better safe than sorry” mentalities, ignoring the fact that they emptied their life savings purchasing the equivalent of three Costcos.
My point? I think the Web Bot is nothing more than a device intended to keep people soft and frightened. They can spew out some vague interpretations of things that have happened and pass them off as “accurate,” thus fooling the average impressionable mind and invoking a “I should have listened and will listen next time!” mentality. It’s being set up as a marketing scheme, just like Y2K was, and people will fall in line and prepare themselves for impending doom.
In the end, Web Bot isn’t a digital Nostradamus – it’s a digital Pat Robertson.