The Inexorable Dropbox Is Not Infallible After All


The inexorable cloud-based backup service became fallible to a black-hat security compromise yesterday. Dropbox abridged the entire ordeal with the, “experiencing technical issues” euphemism. I don’t blame them, why muster up to such transparency? During the storage outage, visitors experienced non-responsive issues and were unable to sync files, while the company’s assuaging message-prompt spawned curiosity amongst users.

Here is what their message said:

“We are aware of an issue currently affecting the Dropbox site. We have identified the cause, which was the result of an issue that arose during routine internal maintenance, and are working to fix this as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.”


Multiple hack-groups claimed credit for the ordeal, which Dropbox denied, a battle between internal maintenance vs external factors is undeniably a security quandary, a vaguely contrasting dilemma. One party seems to be pursuing some sort of virtual merit of accolades, while Dropbox is defending its unassailable credibility.

A hack-group used Twitter as a medium of expression, expatiating their intent to avenge the death of Aaron Swartz, a renowned technological activist who committed suicide last year while indicted on federal charges for compromising the M.I.T security network. Dropbox representative, Hilary McQuaide denied the infiltration claiming it’s all a hoax.

The hackers claimed to have exploited security vulnerabilities and intimidated the company into patching the loopholes, or suffer a storage leak frenzy that is equivalent to a “wikileak.” The group extended their imminent malevolent rhetoric by giving the company time to fix their vulnerabilities.

Do you see the irony?

The pervasive appeal of cloud-based third-party storage and its vaguely inexplicable storage process, a conundrum that has permeated consumers like a virtual syndrome. Clouds, a metaphor that has no correlation with storage mechanics, a term derived to explain the enigma between the user and the third-party.


How about user protection rights that allow non-disclosure or contractual agreements as a form of data-insurance, in the event of a potential liability. Extend an overall security bureaucracy that insures the public’s information, and spread the backup across multiple servers across multiple states.

Synonymous with the Stock-Market and the S.E.C, an annual financial report should be reported to cloud-based unions that work to protect public data in the event of a company being compromised by malicious external forces. Storing the public’s data and insurance are inextricable, a premium that should make that compulsory.

A mandatory concession companies must subject themselves to if storing public data is the core essence of your infrastructure, and if a company becomes fallible to such a notion, the company’s overall market value must be legally used as public reparation. After all; The Inexorable Dropbox is not Infallible, neither is your data.

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