Google Stands-Up Against China’s Censorship

Google sided with freedom of information over censorship.

Google stopped its censoring of China’s search results. The service is directing its Chinese users to Hong Kong where they can enjoy an uncensored service.

“We want as many people in the world as possible to have access to our services, including users in mainland China, but the Chinese government has been crystal clear throughout discussions that self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement,” said Senior Vice President David Drummond, Google’s chief legal officer.

It is Google’s wish that China’s people have more access to knowledge, information, Drummond mentioned.

Google’s plan is to keep an eye on the site to make sure mainland China is having full access.

Google set-up a launch page listing its services in China- to be updated frequently.

Google is done with the filters that the Chinese government slammed on certain searches prior to permitting Google to do business.

The world watched as Google set-up shop, and other countries like Iran will tailor Google to its government’s bidding if a stand isn’t taken-it’s reported.

Google is done with the filters that the Chinese government put on certain searches prior to permitting Google to do business.

A survey found that 14 percent of Chinese users prefer Google.

Onlookers and spectators suggest that the Chinese government will continue its censorship.