Google And YouTube Show Closer Collaboration With Appearance Of Text Ads

Even though YouTube is a subsidiary of Google, the news that text ads are now appearing on YouTube search results shows a greater sense of collaboration between the two. The very fact that this has taken several years to come to fruition is certainly a surprise to many. But it does open up new possibilities for those businesses that rely on ads as part of their marketing.

According to YouTube at SMX West, early trials of this have shown real promise. At this moment in time, text ads will only appear on the mobile platform. However, it is difficult to see how the two companies could ignore putting the ads across the entire network if it does continue to generate better results than expected. That being said, with Google pushing forward on plans to further develop mobile search, they may feel content with their current approach.

There is little doubt that this news is huge for online marketers. The very fact that conversions via this approach are comparable to the more established Google Ads does also show that video content and text ads can work in unison. This alone may lead to marketers pushing the two options in unison leading to more strategic planning being required.

Combining video content with text ads does show potential. However, the key appears to remain the same as other forms of marketing reviews. This means it depends on the correct adverts being shown to the right people. This is clearly something that YouTube and Google will continue to work on. After all, they need to deliver the right service that generates the best results.

This is another sign of a push by Google to further dominate the ads market. With new local extensions for businesses along with additional extensions in YouTube, you can expect to see a better ROI should you use ads as part of your marketing strategy.

Of course, early promise is not always an indicator of strong future success. There is still time for the excitement surrounding it to tail off. If this is the case, then we can expect Google and YouTube to spend some time tweaking their approach if they realize that it may lead to a substantial boost to their income.

The one thing that we can say with some certainty is that the future of online advertising is going to head in new directions. Marketers and businesses in general must stay on top of their game to take advantage of the new opportunities that are then presented to them.