What Happens When a Driver Gets a Traffic Ticket in Pennsylvania

Fighting Traffic Tickets in Pennsylvania

Those who have recently received a traffic ticket in Pennsylvania, might be tempted just to pay the citation and move on with life. However, a tainted driving record could restrict someone’s ability to travel and even interfere with a job.

Don’t let a couple of traffic tickets complicate life for years to come. Fighting traffic tickets could possibly help the charges be reduced or dropped altogether.

The Pennsylvania Point System

One significant benefit of fighting a traffic citation is that it helps one avoid points on their driving record.

Pennsylvania uses the point system to track and punish traffic violations. Every time someone is found guilty of a traffic violation, 2-5 points could be added to their driving record. If committing multiple traffic violations at once-like speeding and running a red light-it may be possible that a subject could get charged with more than five points. Corrective action begins when a driver passes six or more points on their record.

Points accumulate over time, but every 12 months a driver goes without a violation, three points are removed from their license. Moreover, with zero points on a record and if kept clear for a year, any subsequent points will be treated as if they were the first points.

Penalties for Points in Pennsylvania

The first time the infractions on a license passed six points, the state will order that the driver pass a written point examination to continue driving. Once someone receives a written notice, they will have 30 days to pass the exam or their license will be suspended until they do. If the exam is passed within 30 days, two points will be removed from the driving record.

The second time the driver’s record accumulates six or more points, a hearing examiner will review the driving record and recommend a certain corrective action be taken. The examiner may suggest a license suspension, an On-Road Driving examination, or to take no action.

The third and subsequent accumulation of six points on a driver’s record will result in a departmental hearing that will determine if a 30-day license suspension will be initiated. Failure to attend the hearing will result in license suspension until the driver participates.

License Suspension

When a driver’s record accumulates 11 or more points, their license will be automatically suspended. First-time suspensions are subject to a five-day suspension for every point on their license. Days of suspension per point increase with every subsequent suspension.

How to Protect the Driver After Receiving a Traffic Ticket

The wisest thing to do after receiving a traffic ticket is to document everything that took place as soon as possible. Valuable information to record would be the date, time, and overall circumstances of the alleged violation.

The next step would be to hire an attorney. The points on your license can creep up on you. Make sure your rights and future are protected by aggressively fighting your traffic charge. A competent traffic ticket lawyer in Philadelphia will inform you of all aspects concerning your case, and will strategize a robust legal defense that will protect your rights and driving privileges.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn't know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.