YRC Worldwide Inc., a Fortune 500 company headquartered in Overland Park, Kan., is one of the largest transportation service providers in the world. YRCW reported earnings last week and, as promised, the company had positive pre-tax earnings (Ebitda), excluding some costs, of $39.9 million.

YRC Worldwide’s CEO Bill Zollars sounded upbeat on the earnings call saying, “With the significant operating momentum we achieved throughout the second quarter and have experienced in July, we’re positioned to generate positive EBITDA earnings in the third quarter in excess of the second quarter. We look forward to the opportunities in front of us and reporting further success. The first half of the year we use cash, the second half of the year, we generate cash.”
YRCW’s stock price is sitting around .31 and has huge upside potential as the trucking industry turns its business around. With the third and fourth quarter of the year being their biggest cash generators, and recovering over half of their customers that left last year, the company is positioned to be truckin’ down the road for a long time to come.
Disclosure: Writer is Long YRCW, but receives no compensation from the company.