The Silhouettes in October 1957: ‘Get a Job’

Today even more than in 1957 that is a LOT easier said than done.

But let me suggest a great free place to start your search.


(Disclaimer – I know the founders of Clusty, but their service is free and I have no financial connection with them.)

These linked sites have searchable job listings from 500+ web sites, hundreds of newspapers, and more.

The critical point is that the jobs are organized and searchable even by ZIP code!

For example, if you search for engineer near Vero Beach you find about 10 listings and NONE of them are for work-at-home scams.

If you are looking, give it a try. If not, you must know someone who needs a job – share these search engines with them. Clusty collects NO personal information, doesn’t even ask for a fake email address (does anyone still give out real email addresses to search engines or their real name or location to email services?)