Nadine Lajoie, the TV Host, president and co-founder of the upcoming Reality TV “Teen CEO Show,” produced by Emmy Award Winner Producer, is on a journey to tour the schools with her Youth Leadership Program.
This upcoming reality TV Show is a blend between the Apprentice and Oprah Winfrey, where teens will learn how to start their own business, help their community and develop a champion mindset, by creating teams in a new way, without ” traditional elimination.” In collaboration with the Teen Entrepreneurship Academy, Teen CEO Show will be filming in July for the workshop and first casting of the teens.
A Red Carpet event will be held on July 18th at Concordia University, Irvine, CA, where everyone is welcome during the day to see the filming, the teen’s business competition and listen to some international keynote speakers to celebrate the first part of the filming, including the founder of Priceline Mr. Jeff Hoffman.
Nadine’s goal is to help over 15,000 students in Canada and USA to learn about entrepreneurship and developing a champion mindset, so they can raise their self-confidence, self-esteem and learn how to work in teams, discovering different leadership roles.
Nadine Lajoie is a renowned leadership speaker and #1 Best-Selling Author, “IN-Powering” teens and entrepreneurs around the world and co-founded “Teen CEO Show” to share the knowledge about entrepreneurship to the youth of today, so we can create better leaders of tomorrow.