Grant Cardone – Motivation and Willpower
Grant Cardone – Energy, Charm and Leadership
“Your personal willpower is meaningless when you are surrounded by a bunch of people with a combined willpower that exceeds your willpower, and their will is to destroy you, themselves and everyone around them.” – Grant Cardone
Grant Cardone: And so I was hanging around a lot of people and, it was the great will that was winning, so, probably the single biggest shift for me was the book ‘Dianetics’ by L. Ron Hubbard, and it’s about the mind. That book is not about Scientology. When you say Dianetics, most everybody thinks Scientology immediately. That book is Dianetics, the word dianetics is what the mind is doing to the body, and that book literally changed my life. It woke me up, it took me out of a state of unconsciousness.
And that book is not Scientology, a person confuses this and thinks oh, that’s Scientology, but it’s not. Dianetics is a different thing than Scientology is. A person can read that book, you know, I was brought up Catholic, so a person can read that book and still be a Catholic, or a Muslim, or agnostic, or whatever you want to be, Baptist, or Protestant, or Mormon. That book is about your mind, and regardless of whether you’re a Mormon, or Muslim, or Catholic, or whatever you believe in, that book is just about how your mind works. And that was the problem I was having in my life. Drugs basically disguised the problems in my mind, and it covered things up, until the drugs wore off, and it was like, oh! problem! And that book really, really woke me up.

Grant Cardone: You have to understand, the majority of the world used to think the world was flat, so every great thing that has ever come along, it doesn’t matter whether it was fire, or the automobile, they’ve all been resisted. Everything. I’m building a condo on the Ocean front right now in La Jolla (California), it’s a great thing! It’s much better than what’s there now. I own the property there now, I own twenty units there. We’re going to build it, but we’re going to get people to resist it. And the only thing they’re resisting is a better thing!
People resisted Gandhi, Jesus Christ, you know, entire civilizations have burnt every book that they ever had. You know, the Greek don’t even have any thing (much of their own) to read any more, because everything was burned. So, things are resisted. They killed John Kennedy, Martin Luther King was killed, these weren’t bad people, these were great people! They were people that were resisted!
Grant Cardone: See, all the controversy surrounding Scientology actually drew me to it. I figured it must be something interesting if it is getting everyone so jacked up, I will go check it out and discover what the truth is for myself. I like looking at things that are new and that others either don’t understand or just refuse to even consider. The fact is history proves that when masses of people make a decision one way or the other regarding any topic most of the time the masses are wrong. Scientology and Dianetics is a great thing, I know it helps people, it has made my life incredibly rich in everyway … and no one should be threatened by it just because it is new. It solves problems, it puts man in a position to be in control of his / her life, and wakes people up so they can discover what is true for them. The biggest secret about Scientology is how many wildly successful business people use it in their businesses to create success.
To order Grant’s books and CDs, to take your life and career to the next level, contact his office at: 1-800-368-5771.
The Hollywood Sentinel, (c) 2009 also visit