Miv Evans
The End of The Tour – a Bestselling Bomb
Despite mountains of dialogue, there's not a Twainesque insight to be found. This film has issues, serious issues, and they don't get better with time.
Cartel Land Movie Review: A Mexican Robin Hood Story
Mexican Robin Hood encourages the inhabitants of Mexico to rise up against the cartels that are aided by the corrupt Mexican government, as people die.
Serena Film Review: A Lawrence/Cooper Tragedy
Hollywood has a reputation for producing stories with Happy Endings, so how this dark tale slipped through the net I have no idea. Perhaps the industry is so enamored with the over-rated Cooper/Lawrence alliance that they decided anything goes.
Codebreaker Film Review: When Winning The War Isn’t Enough
This should be a story about achievement and patriotism and glory; but instead it's a tale of prejudice and castigation and ingratitude.
The Kidnapping of Mr Heineken Film Review
A sensational kidnapping that captivated the Dutch nation, a high-octane drama based on a real-life crime back in 1983.
I Am Ali – The Real Deal
Of the many documentaries about Muhammad Ali, none are quite like this, up close and personal, with the entire film centered around the tapes Ali recorded of conversations he had with his children from the time they were able to talk.
You don't have to be a fan of Hip Hop to enjoy this film. You just have to be a human being who has, at one time in your life, had all hope swept away, which makes it a story for us all.
The Drop Movie Review
It's authentic, realistic and suspends our disbelief, which is why we go to the movies in the first place.
Movie Review: Honeymoon
An barrage of creepy cliches are thrown at the plot, but none make sense, or connected, or explained. This lack of coherence gives a 'horror coated' feel, no big scares, no edge-of-the-seat
FED UP Film Review
Movie review Miv Evans reviews the film 'FED UP'. Evans states that the documentary doesn't contain any surprises and or any answers.
As Above, So Below Film Review
Scarlett sets off on a bus in Iran and ends up in the tunnels that lie below Paris. There are encounters with a Grim Reaper, the odd zombie, blood spatter. Fodder for a B-rated horror movie but, unfortunately, not one you'd want to watch.
On My Way Film Review
or some reason, the writers decided that a prelude to the big adventure was needed and threw in a few scenes in which the aging grandmother is seduced by a 30 year-old man.
‘How I Exiled My Inner Bitch’ Book Makes Amazon Best Seller...
Greg has denial on intravenous, so Dionne's quirks simply pass him by and, pretty soon, shallow love blossoms. But also blossoming are Greg's daughters
Getaway Movie Review
If you can imagine what it's like to sit in the passenger seat of a Mustang and be driven around and around the same race track for an hour and half, you don't need to see this film.
Jobs – The First Of Many Films
Had this theme of 'having it all ways' been embedded from the start, the audience could have watched as a Greek tragedy was born.
General Hospital Actor Scott Defalco Spotted in LA
Scott Defalco, recurring actor on General Hospital, in the Newsroom, Beverly Beverly Hills. We asked him what he was drinking and he said ...
The Company You Keep: When Your Past Won’t Sleep
a lot of characters in this Robert Redford project are in their seventies, which takes nothing from the film, and Julie Christie, at 71, looks quite amazing.
NO – from Chile
the events the filmmakers depict are so powerful that the images create a story all of their own. Truths are encompassed by themes of stolen civil liberties and, abomination by abomination, this tragic era of Chile's history is faithfully drawn.
Parker: A Bad Bad Guy
An action-centric trailer might initially pull audiences in but, with nothing more to offer than a gun-crazed killer, interest will wane, and this crime flick will be on its way to the DVD graveyard.
Arnie Is Back in ‘The Last Stand’
Talking is kept to a minimum, and it's the high-octane action that fuels the vehicle, which lets us know, that Arnie is back.