Yvonne Fournier
The Two Keys to Raising a Genius!
Some critics have raised eyebrows whenever I have said, 'All of the children I work with are geniuses,' or 'I have only taught geniuses.'
This Holiday Season Be Mindful of The ‘Chatter’
Our lives our full of what I refer to as 'chatter.' This chatter can be broken down into two distinct types: Internal and external.
Most Valuable Gift to Child Could Be Presence
During the holiday season, it's so easy to get caught up in what we do - buying presents, chauffeuring the kids to special activities, or cooking a big family dinner - that we sometimes forget to reflect on who we are.
Heplful Tips to Prepare Children for ‘Real World’ School
Children enter school full of curiosity, eager to experience, wanting to be seen and heard. They enter school with the gift of spontaneity as they explore a strange new place intended for learning.
Teach Your Child to Close The Circle, Not Simply Complete Tasks
Before jumping to extreme conclusions such as a pre-diagnosis of ADHD and considering testing, I advise attempting small strategies for change to see if they address the dilemma.
The Processes for Learning are More Important Than Trivia
In our children's generation, the definition of success is changing. The style in the workplace is shifting from management by one boss and many workers to teamwork and independent action.
Think of Early Reading Products as Circus Tricks
One of the statistical understandings I usually share with parents who are considering an accelerated curriculum of any kind is the fact that around the third grade, childhood development rates begin to even out.
Learning to Estimate Working Capacity Will Pay Dividends for Life
What adult hasn't felt overwhelmed when the 'To Do' list at work and home keeps getting longer? Unfortunately, this feeling is now experienced by school children at younger and younger ages.
Focus on Grades as Clues to What Still Needs to Be...
Grades are not meant to be a badge of honor or shame to the recipient; they are simply notations that give a numerical reflection of how much our child has left to learn.
Hurried Curriculum 3.0: Is it kindergarten or third grade?
Thrusting higher-grade level material onto unready children is a recipe for disaster.
Be Preemptive Rather Than Reactive To ACT Scoring
Most college-bound students were brought up to believe that the door to college would magically open one day.
Coping Skills are a Vital Piece of Academic Success
Stress related symptoms are a signal for the need for effective coping skills
Developmental Readiness is Not An Exact Science
Give children opportunities and time to reach milestones on their own
Use Natural Consequences Over Punishments Or Rewards
Few life situations can be tracked to a single cause, and there are dangers in using a 'right or wrong' problem-solving technique.
Clothing Choices Celebrate The Dumbing Down of Our Culture
While the debate over the sale of these items has ended, history has shown that we can expect this issue to rear its ugly head again in the future. Why?
In The Face of a Hurried Curriculum, Focus on Responsibility
Personal responsibility is not innate for young students, it must be taught.
Don’t Panic If Your Child ‘Doesn’t Follow Instructions’
When my son brings his graded work home from school, I am seeing a pattern that he is not following instructions. In some of your past articles, you have written about the importance of looking for trends in our children's schoolwork.
A Vision of The Schools of The Future
Can we achieve both at the same time: Disseminate data to enable collaboration, while simultaneously ensuring that individual learning is taking place? I believe so.
Keep An Inventory to Track Areas of Difficulty With Reading
When someone passes judgment on your child, the reaction is typically one of pain and anger, though not necessarily in that order.
To Read Textbooks Effectively, New Skills are in Order
Transitions from memorization to paraphrasing can catch many off guard