
A Letter to King Abdullah II of Jordan

In the 1967 war things did not go well for Hashemites. You were told not to enter the war, but did, and Israeli-Jews retrieved what belonged to them, Judea, Samaria, and the old part of Jerusalem

University of Haifa, Example for Collegian Coexistence

The library's task is to make an indelible knowledge mark on Israeli students. Now the University of Haifa needs to pass the volume of knowledge...

Do Not Take Your Family Nucleus For Granted

I found there is another aspect to the compassionate Shanti House project, the annual bike ride, from Tel Aviv Shanti House to Shanti House Youth Village.

Awareness Equals Prevention: Saving Young Lives

Drugs are a huge business. Once a person is hooked, society loses a productive individual and the drug industry gains a customer, an addict.

The Story Behind The Sorry Video

After years of suffering in Nazi concentration and labor camps, Jews went to Israel, where they were treated very poorly by the British government.


