A Comparative Look at Road Accident Related Fatality Rates in Ontario

Road safety has been fluctuating for years in Ontario, and lately, the number of road accident-related deaths have come down in the province, as per last year’s report published by the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). Even then, personal injury claims continue to be filed in significant numbers, since the actual number of road accidents have increased significantly.

A Look at Road Accident Fatality Rates in the Province

As per the previously mentioned report from the OPP, 333 fatalities were reported in the province during the year 2018. This shows a drop of roughly 2.91% in road accident-related death rates in the area, as compared to 2017 (343).

ontario road accidents. Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay
Road accident. Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay

The Four Primary Causes for Road Accidents in Ontario

There are primarily four categories into which the OPP divides the reasons behind most fatal car crashes:

  • Seat belt related deaths; where the deceased was not wearing a seat belt
  • Driving under the influence; where the driver was under the influence of alcohol/drugs
  • Speeding; where the accident and the consequent death/deaths were caused due to breaking the speed limit
  • Inattentive driving; where the driver was somehow distracted from the road ahead

It is to be noted that there are several other causes for accidental deaths on the road in Ontario, but these four are the most common by far, according to police reports.

The Death Toll Comparison Shows Hope

A comparative analysis between 2017 and 2018 from the OPP road fatality report makes it clear that last year, the emergency services were able to save a lot of lives, in spite the odds stacked against them.

Total Road and Waterway Accident Count (Fatal or Nonfatal)

2017: 68,782

2018: 72,060 (An increase of 4.76%)

Fatalities from Seat Belt Violations

2017: 51

2018: 50

Death Caused by Driving Under Influence

2017: 58

2018: 56

Fatal Accidents from Speeding

2017: 75

2018: 76

Fatal Accidents Due to Inattentive Driving

2017: 82

2018: 55 (Reduced from last year by 33%)

Death from Off-Road Vehicle Accidents

2017: 22

2018: 17

Boating Accidents and Consequent Deaths

2017: 31

2018: 24

Fatalities from Snowmobile Accidents

2017: 27

2018: 13

Commercial Truck Collison Records are Alarming

In total, 7,674 commercial trucks were involved in road accidents last year, which is an alarming number that resulted in the loss of 55 lives and 1,142 cases of personal injury.

Ontario has Taken Additional Measures to Protect Its Pedestrians

As more and more pedestrians are getting hit by speeding or ill-driven cars every year, the authorities have implemented multiple new driving laws to protect them. Yegendorf, famous for exclusively helping victims to win the personal injury claims they deserve, details those laws here for both pedestrians and drivers. Those unsure about the changes, or anyone who believes they might be the victim, should pay a visit and get themselves more acquainted with the laws and the firm.

While the dropping death rate from road accidents in the province is an encouraging piece of statistical data, it is quite disconcerting to notice there was a rise of 4.76% in the total number of accidents, as compared to 2017. As a result of that, the number of personal injury claims related to vehicular accidents is not going to come down anytime soon in Ontario.