
Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Teheran

Nurit Greenger triggers off the article by Bret Stephens in the WSJ: Thank God for the Atom Bomb, referring to the 1981 essay by the late Paul Fussell.

Baby Girl Flushed Down Toilet in China, Rescued

A baby girl flushed down toilet in China was discovered after people heard her crying. Police pulled her out of the toilet and took her to hospital.

US Urges China to Ensure Rights of Tibetans

The State Department country report on human rights, says China engaged in the severe repression of Tibet's religious, cultural, and linguistic heritage

US and South Korea Collaborate on Making The World a Better Place

In the aspect of climate change, South Korea is playing an important leadership role as host of the global Green Climate Fund, to which the U.S. has pledged $3 billion.

China Destroys More than 600 Kilos of Smuggled Ivory

China is known to be a prominent destination for illegal ivory trade. Ivory products are seen as a status symbol by majority of the Chinese peopl.


