US Family Planning Fund Provides Contraceptive Services for 37.4 Million Women

Global Health Initiative Executive Director Lois Quam today announced that U.S. family fund is providing contraceptive services and supplies for 37.4 million women and couples around the world.

In her remarks entitled “7 Billion People: Counting on Each Other – Unleashing the Power of Women and Girls,” Ms. Quam also stated that current U.S. government funding of family planning and reproductive health prevents 5.1 million induced abortions; eliminates 32,000 maternal deaths; and prevents 140,000 children from becoming orphaned.

“And our support for UNFPA includes a contribution of $40 million this fiscal year.” – Ms. Quam

Ms. Quam also reiterates Obama’s administration commitment to investing in women and girls because their inclusion and partnership are essential to solving the world’s most challenging problems. She noted that women and girls are the world’s engines of change.

“When their rights are protected and promoted, when they are healthy and educated, and when they can participate fully in society, then progress is triggered in families, communities, and nations.” -Ms. Quam

She noted that sexual and reproductive health, reproductive rights, and access to family planning are at the top of President Obama’s global health agenda.

“As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, “Remember what is expected of us – that all governments will make access to reproductive healthcare and family planning services a basic right.” I want to commend UNFPA and Executive Director Osotimehin for recognizing the critical links between empowering women and girls. We value your partnership and your leadership on youth and gender.” -Ms. Quam

She further stressed that the Obama Administration is promoting positive change across the board to advance global health. She cited that through the President’s Global Health Initiative, the U.S. government is retooling its entire investment in global health to create a unified national strategy that is focused, cost-effective, and results-oriented.

“From saving mothers and children to being within reach of creating the first AIDS-free generation, we are challenging the world to step up and deliver on global health.” -Ms. Quam

She explained that family planning helps women have healthy families by allowing them to space births and have children during their healthiest years. She added that birth spacing helps decrease infant mortality, and delaying childbirth and pregnancy beyond adolescence improves the health of infants and their likelihood of survival.

Mina Fabulous
Mina Fabulous follows the news, especially what is going on in the US State Department. Mina turns State Department waffle into plain English. Mina Fabulous is the pen name of Carmen Avalino, the NewsBlaze production editor. When she isn't preparing stories for NewsBlaze writers, she writes stories, but to separate her editing and writing identities, she uses the name given by her family and friends.