The Rasmussen Poll, which has been the most accurate national poll in the past two general elections and the only one to pick Ronald Reagan in 1980, is not alone. It is no aberration that other polls, small and large are indicating a Trump lead.
On Sunday morning, the IBD/TIPP presidential tracking poll, showed Donald Trump holding a slight lead on Hillary Clinton 43 to 41 percent in the four-way race. Trump also holds a 1-2 point lead solely over Hillary Clinton in the survey.
Here were the results including Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party Jill Stein:
- Trump 42.8 percent
- Clinton 40.8 percent
- Johnson 7.2 percent
- Stein 3.3 percent
Additionally, the Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) and TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence (TIPP) poll boasts it has been the most accurate among 11 national polls in the past three presidential elections, something Rasmussen would disagree with.
The poll surveyed 783 likely voters, 282 of which were Democrats, 226 Republicans and 259 independents.
There have been three debates between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The winner in each of those debates has varied depending on who you ask. The mainstream media seems to have picked Hillary Clinton, but internet polls had a different view. The Rasmussen Poll tells an important story.
Thanks to WikiLeaks, some of the dirty tricks played by the Democrats have had bright sunlight shining on them, and it seems there is more to come. Most of this has been damaging to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The mainstream media is mostly pretending this is not happening, showing their obvious bias by omission.
This election is a battle between those who care about the Constitution and those who want the first woman president (or just hate Trump). The first woman president would come with 30 years of political baggage, including pay for play and ignorance of classified information. This Rasmussen Poll is a boost for Trump and a blow to Hillary Clinton.