Obamacare final passage is dependent on a final vote in the Senate. Dems won’t even allow a vote in a Democrat-controlled Senate. Republicans have already voted for a repeal of Obamacare twice in the Republican-controlled House. Unless the Senate agrees with the appeal, it won’t happen.
All recent economic reports show the economy getting worse, and Obamacare only adds taxes to an overburdened economy. Democrat congressmen still don’t understand that raising taxes on any job creators, makes them much less likely to create any new jobs. Instead of creating jobs, Democrats will be expanding government, increasing governmental dependence and unemployment, and decreasing production and total GDP.
Now, new numbers from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) show insurance provisions of ObamaCare will likely cost taxpayers at least $1,168 billion in the years 2012-2022. The entire Obama plan is outlined in YouTube video below.
Republican leader Mitch McConnell said Democrats evidently don’t fully support the president’s small business tax hike. How many Democrats support their own party on raising taxes? If they all did, they would allow it to come to an immediate vote. They won’t let the American people actually see where the Democrat-controlled Senate stands on the plan to raise taxes before the election.
Each vulnerable Democrat Senator is being shielded from a repeal vote on Obamacare. McConnell leads an amendment (S. 2237; Small Business Jobs and Tax Relief Act), but Reid will not allow it on the Senate floor. If all Senators voted on this measure and possible repeal of Obamacare, Americans would see who is for taxes and who is fine with government running the country, and who is for job growth and economy expansion.
The House understands Obamacare isn’t affordable, imposes 21 new taxes, puts healthcare in control of bureaucrats, does not keep patients safe, and certainly doesn’t help the economy.
The Democrat-controlled Senate must ensure a full vote for Obamacare to occur, only when it’s a sure thing to pass. If it is repealed, Obamacare doesn’t pass. If Obamacare doesn’t pass, Obama and the Democrats will lose the presidential election. This will be known prior to the election.
All it will take is 5 Democrat Senators to vote to repeal Obamacare, if a full vote is taken. When taken, all voting records will be known. Many Democrats will not want to be on the record as voting for more taxes for all the world to see. It’s already known Reid’s legislative maneuvering is what got Obamacare passed to begin with.
A vote will likely cause Obamacare to look like the above picture of a burned-out building.
Without Obamacare, Democrats can kiss Obama’s election hopes goodbye.