More Warships Coming After Ford Supercarrier

Brace Yourself, More Warships Are Coming

Many anticipated the launch of USS Gerald RUSS Gerald R Ford Ford (CVN 78), the most expensive warship in history. With just six months more to go, the $13 billion supercarrier will join the U.S. Navy’s fleet by September. But that’s not all, more warships are coming within five years.

In fact, the US Navy wants to spend $81.3 billion over that period to build 38 warships. The plan calls for spending about $14.7 billion on seven vessels next year. Another eight vessels will be bought worth $16.8 in fiscal 2018, $16.2 billion on seven in 2019, $16.9 billion on eight in 2020 and $16.8 billion on eight vessels in 2021. Not only this, the US government plans a navy battle force of 308 ships by 2021. That’s a lot!

About the $13 Billion Dollar Warship

USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) is almost here. Sea trials of the 100,000-ton and 1,100-foot-long carrier will begin in July. By September, the supercarrier will be in the good hands of the Navy.

This news was confirmed by Sean J. Stackley, the Navy’s assistant secretary for acquisitions who announced the timetable ahead of the testimony on the Senate Armed Services Committee on Wednesday.

The construction of the Ford aircraft carrier began in 2009. But as of March this year, it was 98% complete. So, the finish line is within sight!

Named After 38th President of the United States

The Ford class aircraft carrier is named after Gerald R. Ford, the 38th president of the United States of America. He died in July 2006, the second former U.S. president after Reagan to reach his 93rd birthday. The 38th president of the United States left a stellar mark in the Navy who served aboard the USS Monterey during World War II. He left the Navy as a lieutenant commander.

USS Gerald R. Ford.
USS Gerald R. Ford

What is Next after USS Gerald R. Ford?

Next to USS Gerald R. Ford, is the third Ford-class carrier or the USS Enterprise (CVN 80). The supercarrier will begin construction by 2018.

In addition, construction is underway for the USS John F. Kennedy (CVN 79). So brace yourself, because this supercarrier will be launched in 2020. Last month, the ship was 18% percent complete as of March. So, the finish line is within sight as well!

USS Gerald R Ford Tour

Mina Fabulous
Mina Fabulous follows the news, especially what is going on in the US State Department. Mina turns State Department waffle into plain English. Mina Fabulous is the pen name of Carmen Avalino, the NewsBlaze production editor. When she isn't preparing stories for NewsBlaze writers, she writes stories, but to separate her editing and writing identities, she uses the name given by her family and friends.