Kourtney Kardashian Pregnant With Second Child


On Sunday night, over 3.2 million viewers watched the season premiere of Kourtney and Kim Take New York. Now, Kourtney Kardashian told US Weekly she and Scott Disick are expecting their second child.

“Now I’m nine weeks along” the older Kardashian sister said. “You’re supposed to wait 12 weeks to tell people, but I feel confident.”

Kourtney and Scott have been a couple on and off for the past few years, and already parents to son Mason, who turns two on December 14.

Kourtney Kardashian
Photo Credit: WikiMedia Commons

“It wasn’t like we weren’t trying” states 28-year-old Disick. “We kind of just said, ‘If it’s meant to be, it’ll be’.”

Besides Kim and Kris Humphries coming back to harsh reality after their “fairy tale” wedding — which led to the end of their 72-day marriage–, season two of Kourtney and Kim Take New York will also have Kourtney and Scott questioning their future as a couple, as they are now sleeping in separate bedrooms.

The show airs Sundays at 10p on E! Entertainment Television.

Garrett Godwin
Garrett Godwin
Garrett Godwin is an entertainment journalist, who writes for NewsBlaze about television and people in the entertainment industry, from his home state of Michigan. Contact Garrett by writing to NewsBlaze.

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