Why IVF Couples Should Join a Support Group

For singles and couples alike, dealing with infertility is a challenging time. You might feel alone, isolated, or depressed. Even with the hope of invitro fertilization, there may still be doubts looming in your mind or fears hanging over your head like a dark cloud. Luckily, there’s help. Here are four excellent reasons to join an infertility support group.

  1. Like Minds

Groups for women and couples exist, giving you the opportunity to meet individuals going through a similar experience. The ability to relate to their struggles can help you realize that you are not alone in dealing with infertility. Your group can validate common worries, help you cope with issues you may be facing, and even offer IVF success stories that might cheer you up on a bad day.

  1. Acquiring Coping Skills

Depression and anxiety are common symptoms associated with infertility. Joining a support group helps you learn how to manage your emotions as opposed to the medical interventions offered by clinics. Before your distress affects your relationships and day-to-day life, why not learn how to cope with infertility?

It isn’t a one and done scenario, but learning how to cope with the sadness and grief sooner than later is highly beneficial to your wellbeing. According to an Orange County IVF clinic, decreasing the depression and anxiety you feel could help with you IVF fertility rate.

Groups often offer cognitive behavioral therapy in combination with mindfulness practices. Both allow you to challenge your emotions while processing them in a healthier way.

  1. Learning from Experience

There is no one path to coping with infertility. That’s why joining a support group is an excellent idea. You learn more about the experience of other women or couples and how they learned to manage their grief. At the same time, groups are an excellent way to learn more about treatment approaches and options. You never know what you might learn.

  1. Aiding Your Finances

Infertility treatments, as you might already know, are incredibly expensive. From consultations with endocrinologists to naturopath appointments and testing, your medical bills add up fast. So, how does joining a support group help combat those costs?

First, you learn about the vast amount treatment options out there and how they helped other women conceive. Not just that, but you learn the ins and outs of why some treatments worked for certain women. It’s an excellent way to consider which options might be the best route for you instead of simply paying for every possible route to pregnancy.

Second, you’re working to decrease your depression. Studies show that you are 50% more likely to conceive when you aren’t sad or stressed out (that goes for males too). That means less money spent on procedures that might have failed because of your outlook.

Finally, a support group is exponentially cheaper than individual therapy. Your creating a support group, learning new coping strategies, and improving your mood at a fraction of the cost. There’s nothing wrong with individual therapy, but it’s something for both women and couples to consider.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn't know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.