You’re driving home from work along the same familiar path that you’ve taken hundreds of times before. You’re one mile from home when, wham! Out of nowhere, a car slams into your vehicle. You get up, walk around, and everything seems to be fine. However, three weeks later, the pain in your back isn’t getting any better. In fact, it’s getting worse.
What do you do?
5 Things Car Accident Victims Should Do
While there’s a lot of information on the internet about what to do immediately following an auto accident, it seems like the advice stops there. Unfortunately, the pain doesn’t always dissipate. What can you do if the pain persists weeks, months, or even years down the road?
Visit the Right Doctors
There’s so much that can go wrong when it comes to auto accidents. From whiplash and cuts to concussions and brain injuries, the effects of a high-impact collision are often very rough on victims.
Even if you saw a doctor immediately after the accident and they cleared you, it’s important that you schedule additional visits if the pain doesn’t subside within a normal timeframe.
As opposed to seeing a general practitioner, think about visiting a specialist. This will ensure you get the proper care and attention you need.
Perform Safe Exercises
You should speak with a doctor before performing any exercises after a car accident, but it’s definitely smart to get out of bed and work your various muscle groups and joints.
The goal is to regain range of motion and gradually build up strength. You should perform low-impact exercises that safely stretch the muscles and increase blood flow to the affected portions of the body.
Consider Taking Legal Action
Do you believe your accident was the result of negligence on the part of the driver who hit you? If so, consider pursuing legal action to pay for your medical expenses.
However, the problem with most personal injury cases is that expensive medical bills and other day-to-day expenses start to pile up. And since you may not be able to work for a considerable amount of time after your accident, it’s nearly impossible to hold out for a fair settlement or verdict. This leaves you with two choices: take a premature, low-ball settlement or miss out on the medical care you need.
But there’s a third option that most people don’t know exists. It’s called lawsuit funding and it allows plaintiffs to take out an advance on the anticipated value of their pending lawsuit. In your case, you would actually be able to pull some capital from your future settlement and use it for the medical expenses you’re currently facing. Make sure you at least consider this option before writing off a lawsuit altogether.
Speak With a Therapist
Chronic pain often goes hand-in-hand with emotional trauma. This is especially true if you were in a horrific accident. In addition to seeing doctors in regards to your physical health, consider reaching out to a therapist. The emotional support can be invaluable to the healing process. Depending on your insurance coverage, these visits may even be covered.
Identify the Positives
Finally, as a therapist will likely tell you, it’s imperative that you stop dwelling on the difficult elements of your current situation, and instead accentuate the positives. At first, it may be challenging to find any positives, but they do exist.
For example, you may be able to spend more time at home with your children as a result of the injury. Start with the little things and watch your attitude slowly improve.
Act Quickly and Feel Better
There’s nothing more frustrating than a lingering illness or painful condition. Chronic pain is both emotionally and physically draining. It may take every ounce of courage you have to take action, but you owe it to yourself and your family to get better.
It’s time to stop writing off the pain and start doing something about it.