Country Music Recording Artist CP Kelley Defies the Odds


Last year, CP Kelley realized something wasn’t right. His body was not doing well but the cause of the problem was unknown; little did he know he was in a battle for his life.

It wasn’t long after he started to feel strange that he collapsed, and almost never recovered. Doctors would find that he was suffering from a cousin of MS, and this condition is progressive.

Kelley fought for his life and managed to survive. He had to retrain his brain to do things that most of us take for granted. Unfortunately the one thing he lost was his ability to play the piano and most instruments.

Absolute Redemption

cp kelley
CP Kelley, Country Music singer

Music was the heart and soul of this budding artist, it was his form of expression and through music he was able to release his all his emotions. The inability to play instruments was a serious blow to Kelley; but he decided not to let that get him down because he still had his ability to sing!

As a form of therapy and to satisfy his desire to entertain the masses, Kelley set out to pursue his passion for music and become a Country Music Recording Artist.

Late in 2012 he recorded a demo CD that allowed him to get a feel for the recording studio while portraying songs that exemplify his various ranges and styles. Satisfied with the results, he returned back to the studio to record his first debut album “Absolute Redemption.”

A New Way to Fly

December 15, 2012 he released his first single off the album titled “A New Way to Fly,” a song written by Country Music Legend Garth Brooks. The album will be a mixture of sounds and packed full of original songs written for Kelley. The street date for the album is set for early Spring of 2013.

Just before Christmas, Kelley signed a worldwide digital distribution deal with Pavement Entertainment, LLC which distributes the music through Sony RED. “A New Way to Fly” will be released on iTunes,, Rhapsody and other great digital download platforms in the next 30 to 60 days. Till then you can purchase the song on Kelley’s website, here:

Jason Dowd
Jason Dowd
Jason Dowd has been an artist, publicist and band manager. He is a writer, founder of Your Publicity Company, a national PR firm and Artist Development Center for musicians, artists, authors and entertainers.

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