I have spent several weeks working on a vast array of content, covering topics I’m interested in, topics I have no prior expeirence in, and topics that, quite frankly, have baffled me.
A couple of weeks ago, I discussed the things we learned from the Plessy vs Ferguson case. Right now, I have my head buried in a project entitled Student Wallet. Although they have been fun, they haven’t stuck with me as much as others.
Several months ago I worked on a contract abut drug addiction and mental illness. It amazed me at the lack of support for this topic in the United States, as well as the lack of information about it. There are many addiction “specialists” in the country, but few are qualified.
The work I did revolved around Addiction Psychiatrists, who fall into that group of “specialists,” but are actually able to help. For the most part, I think people avoid them because they have a reputation for prescribing drugs and therefore creating another addiction and another long list of problems. But in my eyes they offered much more support and many more benefits. Here’s the main takeaway from that project:
What Benefits Can I Expect From Working with a Therapist?
The main benefit to working your problem though with an addiction psychiatrist is that you receive all the help you need when recovering from substance abuse problems, drug addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.
Not only can they sit down and talk with the patient, creating an environment in which the patient feels they can open up to someone they trust and someone who will support them, but the specialist can also prescribe treatments and medications out of the remit of counselors and therapists.
If you have a drug addiction that needs to be addressed, the specialist will work hard to do just that. They will treat it from all angles. First they will get to the root of the problem, discovering why you are addicted and then looking to treat any mental illness or trauma that caused it. After they do that and then treat the addiction itself, they will look to provide support that can help to stop relapse.
Many drug addicts eventually go back to their substance of choice. There are many reasons for this. The main reason is that the underlying issues have not been addressed. These can range from mental health disorders to a dissatisfaction with life. So, by treating these causes, by providing the patient with regular support and by building up their confidence, they are helping to limit the chances of such a relapse occurring.
Is Therapy Confidential?
Everything you say in your session remains between you and your specialist addiction psychiatrist. They understand how important it is to trust your therapist and to know that nothing you say in your meetings with them will ever be uttered outside of those meetings.
They all follow the code of doctor-patient confidentiality. This is their legal obligation, but it’s also their moral obligation. If a patient does not feel comfortable and does not trust the therapist, they will not open up, will not be honest, and will struggle to recover successfully as a result.
So, while its advisable that all patients build a support network around them, telling their loved ones and their friends, this is not something they will do themselves. They honor a patient’s choice and if they choose to leave their loved ones out of it, then so be it. Of course, this confidentiality also extends into any embarrassing things the patient reveals, or indeed any other information spoken within the trusting confines of the counseling room.
Addiction Psychiatrists Near Me
If you’re looking for a specialist addiction psychiatrist then you probably want one that operates nearby. It only makes sense. However, this is not always the best option. If you punch the words “addiction psychiatrists near me” into Google then you will get the options that are nearest, the options that have paid the most in Google ads, but not necessarily the best options.
You want someone who can provide a specialized service, someone who can give you exactly what you need. For that, you need to shop around. You need to take time. This is your health you’re dealing with, so it’s something that requires a great deal of thought.