
Man Spends Long Night in The Sewer Before Being Rescued

On Saturday an unusual incident occurred in the Wilmington, Delaware sewer system. A man was rescued from the city's sewers after spending the night...

Oklahoma City Sex Shops Battle With City Regulators

Entrepreneurs in Oklahoma City are taking the fight to city regulators after a local ordinance has resulted in multiple local sex shops receiving citations....

Seemingly Harmless Things that Can Cause Serious Injury and Death

There are millions of things that can kill you. That's not exactly an uplifting way to start a story, but the more aware we...

Why Are Muslims Becoming Anti-Muhammad?

Uncle Tom, Con Artist, False Prophet are just a few of the descriptions coming out of the Muslim community about Prophet Muhammad. And many...

Two NYC Consruction Workers Fall to Their Deaths from Different Sites

Two New York City construction workers working at separate sites fell to their deaths last Thursday. The fatal accidents occurred at two Manhattan sites...


