Forget about the Washington Bridge scandal imploding on New Jersey Governor Christ Christie’s administration. Now the Federal authorities have launched an inquiry into whether the governor improperly used Hurricane Sandy relief funds to produce tourism ads that featured him and his family during his re-election campaign.
Many in Washington are amazed at this rapid response to the New Jersey governor’s problems while other federal scandals such as “Fast and Furious,” Solyndra and the IRS mess lay dormant.
CNN is reporting federal investigators are examining the misuse of $25 million in public funds for a marketing campaign to stir up tourism on the Garden State’s coastline virtually destroyed after the October, 2012 storm.
On Monday, the state’s Democratic assembly announced they too are launching their own investigation questioning more members of Governor Christie’s staff on the Ft. Lee Washington Bridge closure, says two Democratic aides and The Washington Post.
That committee will be led by Assemblyman John Wisniewski, chairman of the transportation committee, The New York Post reported. He made it clear he will look into renewed and expanded authority concerning the state Legislature’s subpoena powers.
Wisnsiewski says, “The evidence that has come out in recent weeks makes clear that this now goes above and beyond a transportation issue and goes into the highest ranks of the executive branch. A concerted and focused investigation with increased resources is now needed.”
Also jumping into this political pig pile is the inspector general of the Department of Housing and Urban Development who was asked in August to examine how Christie spent the marketing money approved by the department.
Obviously any wrongdoing uncovered by the Democrat-led investigations will tarnish Christie’s image and provide the type of dirt necessary to lower the governor’s poll ratings to below the popularity of Hillary Clinton on a nationwide level.
Many think that is why this investigation, as opposed to many in the above paragraphs, is moving with lightning speed.
The real question to be asked – is – was there really wrongdoing or is this just part of an attack to tarnish Christie and boost Democrat candidates?
“If you come at him, he’s going to come back at you harder.”Are the political chickens coming home to roost for Chris Christie?