Destroyers and Creators in The World

The destroyer and the creator are always remembered in history. The Creators become immortal and a subject of worship, while the destroyers become a character for hatred. Nobody likes to be dragged around naked even after their death. Human beings always wants to be creative, very few usually support the satanic side.

If anybody wants to do anything in the world, nobody can stop them. The path for the creator of any nation can never be obstructed. The creator creates the history of the society, history is the mirror of the nation.

US citizens never forget the history of Gorge Washington, who gave freedom to the people from British imperialism and united the United State of America after almost 30 years from the Nepalese unification (1768). The British Empire, spreading in Asia, after getting a hold on India, set their sights on the mountainous region i.e. Nepal.

It was not an easy task to fight against the British imperialist force in the mid 18th century. As the culture, the religion and the nationality was in a danger, Prithvi Narayan Shah was compelled to unify Greater Nepal, including the many small Hindu states, and protected Buddhism and other religions too. Prithvi Narayan Shah had kept the originality of mountainous Nepal by holding the Moon-Sun flag to wave, which obliged all Nepalese in the world. Nepalese who disrespect Prithvi Narayan Shah are never patriots and almost everybody hates them with a curse.

Similarly, in 1961, King Mahendra saved Nepal from Indian intervention. Nepali language continued as the national language across the nation. Before 1960, 90% of Indian currency notes were in use which was removed and use of Nepali currency was made compulsory then. The foundation for the East-West Highway (Mahendra Rajmarga) at Gaindakot is unforgettable to free the people from the Indian torment.

King Mahendra, without any conditions asked the Indian force deployed for security of Nepal to leave. King Mahendra incorporated the phrase ‘Hindu Kingdom’ in the constitution upgrading the morale of India and Hindus all over the world. His work increased Nepal’s prestige. He introduced Nepal in the United Nations by adopting the ideology of foreign policy. He maintained a balanced friendship with the powerful Chinese leader, Mao Ze Dong and the powerful Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Nobody can forget such great creators.

2222 years ago in China, Qin Shi Huang-Ti destroyed the Chou dynasty and proclaimed himself China’s first emperor. He captured state power and destroyed and burned all China’s historical sources, materials, inscriptions and temples. The King Qin Shi Huang-Ti had expanded Chinese territory to Mongolia in the north and annexed many places. He constructed the Great wall (approximately 6,000 kilometers long) for security purposes. He is immortal not only in China but all around the world too.

This shows that man can achieve anything if determined to do it. There is nothing that men cannot do, but they cannot suppress truth and good beliefs. Although China’s first emperor Qin Shi Huang destroyed all the historical evidence, the philosophy of religious Guru Confucius, 25 hundred years old, still exists today in China. Confucious’ philosophy is Chinese light. Time creates people and people create history. A man is ‘nature’ while history is the ‘manual’. Time creates individuals that can give creative thought and such individuals become immortal in the world.

At one time in Egypt, a tradition of worshipping more than 300 Gods and Godesses was in practice. People used to spend half their time worshipping Gods and Godesses. During that time, a King destroyed the statues of all the gods and godesses and brought out a strict policy making all Egyptians worship a single god. Then, Egyptians started to worship only the ‘Sun’.

When social evils and degradation were increasing in Nepal, Gautam Buddha, the liberator was born. Buddha achieved enlightenment and his views spread everywhere. As the number of monasteries increased, in the name Buddha, monks and Anis (nuns) were engaged in unsocial actives, which resulted in aborting many innocent infants. Buddhism faced a big crisis. Then, Aadi Shankaracharya, the greatest Hindu priest, came to Nepal and forced monks and Anis to marry and compelled the Buddhists to seek homes. After the renouncement and homely ‘Ashram’ came into existence in Buddhism, the pragmatic religion spread worldwide.

Although our nation is small, it is home to many ethnic castes. If any one of these castes are discriminated against or forgotten, Nepal’s nationality will be incomplete. Common Nepal’s cultural nationality is maintained through agreement between various ethnic castes of this nation. Nepali culture is created with harmony between Hindu, Vedic and Buddha religions.

Our culture is supreme in terms of tolerance, morality and culture. We are rich in culture. We speak more than fifty mother tongues in Nepal. Nepalese language, the national common language of all ethnic groups, in it’s capacity as the major communication language between them has worked to keep all ethnic languages alive.

Although Nepal used to be known as the Hindu kingdom, it was more tolerant than secular nations when it came to religious matters. Muslims, Christians and other religions are allowed to follow their rituals freely. Thus, Nepalese nationality will not stay alive by securing Nepalese land. To back it up, the royal institution and Hindu and Buddhist nation should be maintained. Nepal is the nation, created through a joint effort of the monarchy and people fighting against expansionist forces.

Nepal is in a dangerous mode. Some traitors and criminals who have remained in power after 2006 are bent on destroying the existence of this holy land with support from expansionists and imperialists. Nepal is a landlocked nation. This nation will not be able to save itself by adopting Secularism, Federalism and becoming a Republic. This is not Nepalese slogan. Some traitors in the Nepali Congress, UML and Maoist leadership are trying to destroy our identity acting on foreign incitement.

Nationality is not a subject that will be saved by others. One should learn to defend it. The Court, national army, nation’s various organs should be capable to fulfill their duties independently. Those who play with Nepalese unity by inciting animosity between ethnic castes and bringing long-time conventional norms into controversy are to be condemned.

To save our nation and nationality, the nation should agree to move ahead in coordination between nationality, royal institution and democracy.

D.R. Prasai
Dirgha Raj Prasai is a former Member of Parliament in Nepal, a political analyst who writes from Kathmandu.