Tag: Genocide

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US Committed to Prevent Mass Atrocities and Genocide

Remembering the grim events of the Holocaust, the US commited to steps to prevent mass atrocities, protect civilians, and ensure the perpetrators of atrocities are accountable.

Kinyarwanda Film Review

Employing a cinematic technique effectively employed in Crash, the picture revisits the genocide in Rwanda from the perspectives of individuals hopelessly immersed in the conflict.

Small Voices: The Stories of Cambodia’s Children

Their tales are desperately sad and the lack of government support is deplorable but these charming little ones have so much hope their stories are uplifting and they enchant us right to the very end.

A Film Unfinshed Movie Review: Scripting Genocide

And at the risk of confusing the message with the messenger, let's just say that the title of the documentary A Film Unfinished may very well serve as its own accidental negative critique.

Protest Held in New York Against Indian Atrocities in Kashmir

Kashmiri Americans held a peace rally in front of the Indian Mission to the United Nations in New York City to ask the world powers, 'Should India Get Away With The Flouting of International Agreements?'


Proper Lawyer Tips and Legalities to Know About Within the Tobacco Industry

The tobacco industry is one of the most highly...

The 2-State-Solution: Dead and Cannot Be Revived

Danny Burmawi (@dannyburmawi) is a Jordanian; CEO of Project...

Glazed Skylight: A Stylish and Functional Roofing Solution

Today, glazed skylights are a common feature in residences across Australia, offering both aesthetic appeal and functional benefits.

How to Keep Cockroaches Out of Homes This Summer

As summer temperatures rise, household pests become a growing concern. Warmer weather and humidity create ideal breeding conditions for cockroaches, making them one of the most common infestations in homes and offices.

